Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

Are you a yet uneducated 12 year old, just ignorant by choice or simply a bigot.

Dude can you not comprehend simple english. The old medical profession definition of addiction describes physical withdrawl as a medical symptom of the medical definition of the physical addiction to a drug. The new modern defintions of drug addiction do not demand that you have to have a physical withdrawal symptom that causes such medical symptoms to be considered an addict. A drug is a drug is a drug. An addict is an addict is an addict. An addict does not unbecome an addict just beacuse he is not doing drugs. Once an addict always an addict. Just as in once a felon always a felon. Beat a women once and your always a woman beater. Beat a child once and your always a child beater. You don not un-become being a rapist either. Sick is sick, it doesn't go way just because you quit doing it. It is an internal thing dude. There is no difference in a person that medicates with speed than a person that chooses to medicate with Pot. It is still self medication and self medication with a drug makes you an addict. It is simply a matter of drug of choice. Even an addict thinks money. If Pot is enough he would not buy a more expensive drug. Simple as that dude. If your using Pot for the effect then you are self medicating dude.

I know people who can do coke or meth once a year or so when it is offered to them at a party or bar such as a comaany New Years party. They do it to be sociable. They do not spend every dollar in their pocket buying more or even consider buying any. They do not even ask for another line. They also do not grow pot or buy a bag of buds as soon as they get money , even before buying groceries or diapers for their children. They do not lie to their land lords about why their rent is late afi ter they spent the money on a good priced bag of buds. They do not medicate with an illicit drug and then try to minimize the fact that they are a drug addict by syaing the Degree of their addiction is lees beacuse it is just POT. Grow up dude take responsibility for your addictions and quit trying to say that othrs are addicted or are are more addicted. Addicted is a addicted. Degrees of addiction are not an issue. If your growing Pot the chances are nearly 100% that you are an addict. If not an addiction to the Pot then the money it brings you or the sense of worth it brings you when a sick person shows their appreciation for the needed medication you likely sold them at a large profit (aren't you special if you fit that category). Quit being such a priggish bigot and shut your pie hole. Few people just grow pot for the medical needs community at a break even point or a loss beacuse they are advocates of those peoples rights to use Pot as a medical needs drug.

Dimwit, a couple of the reasons that medical marijuana is pernmitted by many states for medical usage is depression, bipolar manic depression and suicidal ideation.

My vote is that your just an ignorant bigot by choice as many people are trying to educate you but you keep hanging on to your ignorance and bigotry.
dude you r a very angry person and quit trying to say i dont pay my bills or i am a wife beater or i beat my children. im not ignorant or a bigot just dont like or trust or even want to be around tweekers if your not a tweeker then why do you care and get so offended? Im not talking about you
Because I don't like bigots, especially a sick bigot like you. I have has friends from all walks of life but would never consider having a bigot like you as a freind or associate. Your the height of bigotry and can't even admit to it or even that it is wrong. Your not sick like a common addict your twisted. I am angry that your type exists on the streets. You need/deserve institutionalization more than addicts. You really ought to get mental health counseling dude. Really.

Wow, your really into denying having a wife and child beating problem. Is that a tender spot. You know what they say about people that are really defensive about such issues. It usually means they have done it or had to be prevented from doing it. Wow, does that mean besides being a drug addict your also guilty of being a domestic violence .

Maybe a minister. Churches don't fall down when a bigot walks in. Regardless, you should seek help dude.

Write back AFTER you get some help. Maybe try here for help: They ought to get a real kick out of your opinions bitcha.
dude ur the one that needs help and you can quit personally attacking me because i have an opinion are you a tweeker is thet why you keep getting so defensive how old r u because you act about 15-16
dude ur the one that needs help and you can quit personally attacking me because i have an opinion are you a tweeker is thet why you keep getting so defensive how old r u because you act about 15-16

Get some help bigot. Your expressing bigotry not an opinion dude. For all that it matters I am from the old hippy days so I can say that I have tried likely every drug, natural and chemical. I have no problem in admitting that. I am also an addict. I have no problem admitting to that. However I have not done any meth or cocaine for over 20 years. I have no problem admitting to that either.
People people,

Why is anyone that smokes cannabis so angry? While I know people have their opinions and have every right to express them, this is (generally) a peaceful forum and to disrupt the vibe we have going on here is not cool.

Just light up and relax.

Opinions are fine, however expressions of bigotry are not fine. Period. Stoned or straight. Voiced bigotry is simply a whimpering cowards voicing hatred in a manner just a tad short of an actual hate crime. Period.
why is it bigotry for me to have my own opinion and dude it is so funny to see you get so angry like you said im just some stoner.So why does my opinoin make you so mad. I watched this drug destroy several friends and families lifves so like i said it is my opinion to not like it or tweekers i am not talking to you directly or am i calling you a tweeker so quit attacking me for having my own opinion. and dude listen to other people this is a peaceful forum and i am exprssing my opinion you may not agree but that is no reason to sit ther and call me names and accuse me of hate crimes that is very slanderous and not right.
Ok dudee. You seek help for your bigotry issues and I will talk to a veteran's shrink about my distaste for bigots.

One last word though dudee. Because of people with like bigotries such as you, in the U.S. no convicted drug felony for life is eligible for welfare, food stamps nor are they allowed to receive governemt housing subsidies under chapter 8 housing. ie can not live in housing projects. However, convicted rapists, murders, pedophiles and violent criminals with felony convictions are still eligible for those benefits. Sick people like you got those laws written. Are you happy now?
tellme why you think im a biggot ? Im not a tweeker not sayin ive never tried coke/meth or that im better then anyone i simply am voicing my opinion deal with it and quit posting slanderous comments about me or maybe keep doing it so the mods will kick you off this is usa if you cant handle people havivg thier own opimion then maybe this forum isnt for you anymore and you should move somewhere like Russia
tellme why you think im a biggot ? Im not a tweeker not sayin ive never tried coke/meth or that im better then anyone i simply am voicing my opinion deal with it and quit posting slanderous comments about me or maybe keep doing it so the mods will kick you off this is usa if you cant handle people havivg thier own opimion then maybe this forum isnt for you anymore and you should move somewhere like Russia

If the mods kick me off for disagreeing with your open expressions of bigotry then this site is not worth posting to. I have said nothing about you accept that you are a bigot. You made that perfectly clear. Like I said before expressions of bigotry are not opinions they are expressions of bigotry. You might as well also be a rat (informant) I am sure they are as well liked in a marijuana growers forum as a person who openly expresses bigotry.

Just a few quoted highlights:
"Imo your a twicker loser go some where else i wish the mods would report your ip address to the cops"

"tweekers imo are lower then scum because all they care about is that crap"


"tweekers in my book r any speed freak"

Dude you can't seem to even understand from one minute to the next who your calling a tweeker, the meth or the cocaine user. You do make it quite evident that you seem to favor informants and even want the mods to be informants. Your so special.

I am through with this thread. You are now on my ignore list. Good day.
dude idont even know what your talking about laws and crap like that you dont even make sense and all my comments you highlighted are me expressing my opinion read them again and please oh please dont put me on your ignore list LOL like i care about an angry person such as your self sorry that i have i differnt view then you and like i said i never meant anything personally to you i just want to get along with everyone i just simply posted my opinion may be harsh but my opinion and you and a couple posters started attacking me so i would say your the ones that have anger issues but if i angered you in any way i do apologize that you cant handle some one elses point of view good luck to you and your family see ya but before i go you never answered why you think i am such a biggot?
Respect and chilling-ness need to come from both of you.

Anger doesn't lead to anything but more anger.

If one thinks another is a bigot that is there opinion and they are free to say so.

If one does not perceive oneself to be a bigot and is called one, they have the right to say so.

All I ask is that both of you calm down and show some respect, not only to each other, but to the rest of those on the forum as well.

All we need is love?

Fatman gaveee him the Verb! hahahahaha
no but honestly, Fuck coke/crack and all the other hardcore drugs.
Put down the rolled up dollar and pick up a Fatty ;)
Fatman gaveee him the Verb! hahahahaha
no but honestly, Fuck coke/crack and all the other hardcore drugs.
Put down the rolled up dollar and pick up a Fatty ;)

some of the best times of my life have been on 'hardcore drugs'.
LSD,various 2c's,4-aco-dmt,DMT,mdma,mephedrone,mushrooms,coke,GHB, and others.

weed isn't fun to me.
It's like coffee or tobacco. just something to make my day flow smoother.