Growing on a balcony in LA a good idea?


I've been reading this sight for awhile and found answers to a billion questions - okay, maybe high 900,000's - and was hoping to get some guidance.

I've got two sativa-dominant clones (Pink and Shalman) in 3-gallon pots going on a balcony in LA, which gets direct sunlight five hours a day and the plants are currently being fed earth juice grow, earth juice bloom is on deck. I can't run any grow lights in my current utilities scenario and the balcony will always get that amount of direct sunlight, just less overall daylight. The balcony is hidden from any neighbors eyes or noses, very isolated!


This is my first outing, just for me and I'm not expecting a lot. I'm wondering how much longer the grow and flowering cycle will be?

Am I wasting my time by starting this late outside in Los Angeles?

aight man you maybe a lil late you shouldve got them earlier and put them under flouresent lights to keep them in veg for about month and shit you got stativa you should have went with the indica it flowers alot faster
aight man you maybe a lil late you shouldve got them earlier and put them under flouresent lights to keep them in veg for about month and shit you got stativa you should have went with the indica it flowers alot faster
If I went a combo of outdoor and grow light to top it off to 18 hours, good or bad idea?


Well-Known Member
your really too late for an outdoor grow. i mean the climate may be more forgiving in LA than new england, but im not sure how long youll be able to grow outdoors for. im gonna look up the grow season in LA in the farmers almanac, theve known best for 100 years

you can get your plant to veg under some cfls and bring it outside then the sun is direct, but when flowering your going to need as close to perfect 12/12 as you can without light leaks. so, decent idea

are you legal? if so than the only worry about having your plant on your porch is if anyone sees it and notices when you put it out side and steals it. or a snoody neibor who can smell it and complains to the land lord, but he cant do shit
KaleoXxX, Farmers Almanac! great idea! I lived in Boston and know the New England weather far too well.

I picked up a sunblaze and will be using a combo of outdoor and indoor light to get to my 18 hours during veg.

As recommended by ILOVEMSMARY, I will grab on indica clone for the fast flowering and, reported heartiness.

It's fun learning all this shit!
KaleoXxX, Farmers Almanac! great idea! I lived in Boston and know the New England weather far too well.

I picked up a sunblaze and will be using a combo of outdoor and indoor light to get to my 18 hours during veg.

As recommended by ILOVEMSMARY, I will grab on indica clone for the fast flowering and, reported heartiness.

It's fun learning all this shit!


Active Member
You'll have to bring them in everyday for more light 5 hours is not nearly enough! You want to make sure the temp is always between 75-78! I'd be really really careful about people seeing though to! I know you said its pretty under the radar but people act crazy sometimes and could try and jack you for it or make your life hell!


stays relevant.
You might also want to consider the possibility of someone trying to rob you. Just be careful about it :)