Growing op


Well-Known Member
why the fuck did someone recommend this movie to me? its soo bad. can someone please recommend something better? something not so typical high school teen movie about a dork who gets the lady.....? this is so gay. the only thing keeping me watching is theres pot involved.


Well-Known Member
that movie sucked, they get busted in the end becuase that girl was undercover. green rush was an alright movie, they get busted in the end and ripped off.

see the theme here? that's why i'm so past weed movies.


Well-Known Member
i watched the first 20 minutes of it and watched something else

they had weed plants all over their house, but not under any lights. i was like wow, cool.


Well-Known Member
ikr. this movie is sooo predictable and yet im still here atching it. perhaps this has something to do with my bong and the meds.....:) oh well. thanks for the tips and the green rush, hmm perhaps ill watch next.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
There's one with Billy Thorton and Ryan Phillippe.. I can't remember the name right now. Someone help me out?

Edit: Ah yes.. The name was Homegrown.


Well-Known Member
Growing op was terrible. Homegrown was better. Leaves of grass with edward norton was just ok, but better than growing op for sure.