Growing opium


Well-Known Member
fdd.... how the fuck did you pull it off my friend? I really need your wisdom here cause Im having trouble. And another thing, howd yours turn out quality and quantity wise?


Well-Known Member
fdd.... how the fuck did you pull it off my friend? I really need your wisdom here cause Im having trouble. And another thing, howd yours turn out quality and quantity wise?

i have 5 good plants and 1 runt. of the 5 i see 13 flowers. only 1 has opened so far.


Well-Known Member
sorry, maybe Im confused.... shouldnt you be scoring them? how long did it take for them to reach that size? What type are they? Please keep me posted on how the smoke is and everything else... im green with envy.


Well-Known Member
this guy, wafflehouselover most likely no because there are many types of breeds but they still will produce if thats what you want them for or they can be llegal flowers in cali, lucky fdd.


Well-Known Member
sorry, maybe Im confused.... shouldnt you be scoring them? how long did it take for them to reach that size? What type are they? Please keep me posted on how the smoke is and everything else... im green with envy.

isn't scoring them illegal?



Active Member
The only bad part is that you need like 50 pods to get a gram. It's tedious work when you have a huge pile infront of you.


Well-Known Member
Is scoring them illegal? Actually just growing them is illegal.

If you are going to grow them try growing McCormick poppy seed spice your first time. I did with great results. You get like 1,ooo,ooo seeds for $3, and they are fresh. Now that I know how to grow them I purchased some White Persian Papaver somniferum seeds, These are the best for indoor cultivation. The light cycle is backward from cannabis(12/12 to veg 24-7 to flower).


Well-Known Member
i'm in...........

If you space them out about a foot apart they will grow more flowers and bigger pods. Next time try planting just 1 in a five gallon pot, you will love the difference, and don't water during flowering unless your plants start to wilt. This will help the latex sap thikin up some, if you water a lot it will make the latex too runny and lower alkaloid content.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I just did a little research. If anybody wants to grow some opium, start right now. B4 winter comes is the best time. They'll lay dormant through the winter and start growing again in the spring, giving u the biggest possible harvest. They'll need to be a few inches tall, tho, b4 temperatures hit freezing or they will die. I'm excited, I'm going to start right away.


Well-Known Member
Bump for a dead thread,

So how do you smoke it and how much do you smoke it? So where exactly can I get a good indoor varieity? That's insane, heroin gives u prison time but you can grow opium, don't guess I can grow coco plants to get geeked either right.???


Well-Known Member
no its actually surprisingly easy... you can actually have pre-germinated or even small started coca plants shipped to your door. there are sited that will do this. Although if one was to be thinking about doing something illegal, which would never cross my mind, and use this plant to extract the desired alkaloids you'd have to have a lot of plant matter and be very informed on how to execute chemical experiments.


Well-Known Member
no its actually surprisingly easy... you can actually have pre-germinated or even small started coca plants shipped to your door. there are sited that will do this. Although if one was to be thinking about doing something illegal, which would never cross my mind, and use this plant to extract the desired alkaloids you'd have to have a lot of plant matter and be very informed on how to execute chemical experiments.
Do you have a url or something???:mrgreen: