Growing Other Plants With Marijuana

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So I bought a small container of live catnip for my cat. I want to keep it alive, but the last one I left outside became a haven for ants! So, can I stick it in my grow room? My only concern would be the catnip having some unforeseen adverse effect on the marijuana...

Any info is helpful!

Thanks RIU Community!

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
I do it, im sure theres nothing wrong with it ... but if there is ? I flower veggies in my veg room, and flower with my vegging vegetables and herbs ..

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I'm worried the catnip might attract bugs...the ants sure loved that shit outside, and I just found (and killed) a gnat who was chilling on the underside...I think I'm going to keep my garden "pure" and screw the catnip. It's not worth the risk.


Well-Known Member
i planted a massive bush of catnip outside once, my cat decimated it within an hour, he just loves it.

i cant imagine itd attract stuff. grow some pyrethrum flowers round them, bugs hate them.