Growing out of control, but in a good way


Active Member
I've just come to realize that if my girls keep growin at the rate they are, they are going to out grow my closet. At 5'5" it should only take them another 2-3 weeks to hit that mark. Not that im complaining but soon i will be running out of room for my lights to hang down n will be touching the plants. is there anyway I can stunt there growth so they dont go up anymore just out?


Well-Known Member
Well, you may try bending them - but inside a grow closet that may not give you the room you need. If you were in veg, I would say prune away. Pruning in flowering may stunt growth or cause hermies (I hear).

I am facing the same problem. What I am doing is keeping my light on 24 hours and moving my plants in and out of the grow closet and dark closet on 12 hour intervals. Pain in the neck but well worth the effort to keep 'em happy....

Good luck.


New Member
When you put your plants into flower they normaly will grow 3 times that height, example plant 10 inch tall, put into flower ends up 40 inch, most times anyway somtimes more, 3/4 weeks in veg should be plenty.