growing outdoor in Puerto Rico


Well to start ive been growing for about 2 years just for me cus i was tired of the horrible quality here. to start there are only 2 types of weed here first is regu its just bad quality even comes with seeds and anything thats sinsemilla is called creepy i mean everything. my point for posting this is i joined up with a guerrila grower he has given me hes territory for the fact he cant take care of it any more im already growing but some of the "good"quality u can find here any ways im about to buy jack horror and master kush from nirvana but i wanted to see if any 1 else from Puerto Rico. i would like to talk to people about best strains and methods that can be used for a big territory in PR the people who are waiting for my material keep saying im like a pot jesus cus like i said the quality here sucks and the worse the economy gets the less u get and the worse the quality gets so help me stop this ugly pot hell. I just wanna bring the people here the quality they have been missing due to bad genetics and bad care for the plants.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
alright first let c some pics of the ladies :) and i mean women humans on the beach n i will personaly tell u what u want to hear hows that


yeah ill be posting pics but since ive always done everything secretly never even taken pics but i will atm im dealing with some college papers but ill be going back up to my terrain tomorow prob post pics in a few days

thump easy

Well-Known Member
hell ya i always wounderd about those latin ladie over thier im latin my dam self n my brother is german but we both have wounderd what that side of the country looks likes n the people over thier....... shure ill help u out anyway i can...


cant tell you how happy i am to hear that since here u get shot for any reason and the police aint much better not many ways to experiment and get info around here i mean my dad grew all my uncles etc but the only things u can lern are the things that are known around here and it aint much. i was surpriced from all the info i got from the books and sites my cousin sent me. ive read over 6 growing books strain books hash books but still i know so little and u would be surpriced how much i know compared to every one else here :(. like i said ill be posting pics next time i come down from my terrain to show u my babies. im kinda sad thou cus my connection to get jock horror and master kush is on the verge of changin hes mind every one is scared shitless of the law i am to but i have crazy papers and connecions in the police from all the legal problems i had so i can play around it a lil bit but still i gotta keep looking for a conecion for seeds any 1 from PR willing to hook a bro up?