Growing Pineapples


Active Member
Has anyone ever wondered how pineapples grow? they dont grow in trees they grow rite in the ground! i wish i could put pineapples in my garden but i think you need to have a tropical climate. Has anyone else thought about this before?


Well-Known Member
trees grow right from the ground, just like a pineapple plant. they just get taller. pineapple plants are actually pretty big tho.


Well-Known Member
pineapples dont grow on trees they grow in the ground if you get a fresh pineapple with the leaves still on top, cut the top off with about an inch of pineapple put it in a big pot with good soil just sit it on the surface dont bury it and in about 12 months you will have a pineapple.


Well-Known Member
pineapples dont grow on trees they grow in the ground if you get a fresh pineapple with the leaves still on top, cut the top off with about an inch of pineapple put it in a big pot with good soil just sit it on the surface dont bury it and in about 12 months you will have a pineapple.
man, thats siick, lmao:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
pineapples dont grow on trees they grow in the ground if you get a fresh pineapple with the leaves still on top, cut the top off with about an inch of pineapple put it in a big pot with good soil just sit it on the surface dont bury it and in about 12 months you will have a pineapple.
thats the right idea. however when i grew them, i would remove all the fruit and a few sets of leaves from the bottom. the reason for removing the fruit completely is because it will eventually just rot off anyway and could cause problems later. then set the pineapple top in a cup of water for a few weeks untill youve got some roots developing. then plant it in some cactus-type potting mix.

check this out How to Grow a Pineapple Top Indoors


Well-Known Member
Yeah... i dont think ive ever seen a pineapple seed... but idk.. i dont think its worth the work..u must have a certain type of soil bcuz pineapples grow differently in hawaii..


Active Member
The easiest way to remove the top is to just twist it off, it will come right off. Peel about 1" of leaves off of the bottom and turn upside down for a week days until it dries and then try to root it in some water.

The plant on the right is my Pineapple.



Well-Known Member
The easiest way to remove the top is to just twist it off, it will come right off. Peel about 1" of leaves off of the bottom and turn upside down for a week days until it dries and then try to root it in some water.

The plant on the right is my Pineapple.
sweet, how old?


Well-Known Member
Google: Pineapple Plant Propagation (Excuse the alliteration :P) ... RHS has written all about it in various books.

If you get one from an organic food store with the leaves still on top (bottom...technically ;P) you should be able to propagate it, however a lot of places like to remove the leaves of spray the fruit with something to prevent rooting occurring.

Pineapples don't produce seed so don't try buy any lol!

Only one pineapple per plant tho :( ... It's a Bromeliad so it will produce "pups" at some point, generally after flowering.


New Member
I'm going to need to expand my grow room. Now I want to grow a pineapple plant too. I love to grow anything. When my kids were small I'd have them each grow an avacado tree every summer. They always liked watching the seed split and measuring the growth each day.

thats the right idea. however when i grew them, i would remove all the fruit and a few sets of leaves from the bottom. the reason for removing the fruit completely is because it will eventually just rot off anyway and could cause problems later. then set the pineapple top in a cup of water for a few weeks untill youve got some roots developing. then plant it in some cactus-type potting mix.

check this out How to Grow a Pineapple Top Indoors

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i have one that grows on our kitchen counter,for about half a year now,you just do what has already been said about the top,in water then into soil,when it has roots,it grows pretty slow but is doing good in ocen forest fox farms soil.


Well-Known Member
My one pineapple went pup crazy... I could probably give one away each day for the next two weeks and still have left....

I planted some of the bigger ones out into a drier place... will see how they do there... but two years' wait for a 50c fruit seems hardly worth it.... they are pretty though if you can get them big.

The easiest way to start one, is to slice the top off keeping minimal flesh.. let it dry for a day or two, and pick off remaining flesh, now jsut plonk the whole thing down on some moist topsoil... and wait 2 years.


Well-Known Member
pineapples dont grow on trees they grow in the ground if you get a fresh pineapple with the leaves still on top, cut the top off with about an inch of pineapple put it in a big pot with good soil just sit it on the surface dont bury it and in about 12 months you will have a pineapple.[/quote pineapples are not potatoes the grow on trees read a encyclopedia