Growing Pineapples


Well-Known Member
i wanna grow a pineapple how long you really have to wait for it...also do you have to put in 12/12 or 24hrs or what??????im seriously interested in this so yeah


Active Member
I started mine last year and it has grown very well. I plan to start another one soon. It can take 2 years or more to make one. When I start the next I will take pictures and post them, it may be this weekend.


Active Member
Somebody keeps saying that Pineapples can get very big maybe 6 feet across and 6 feet tall. But in a pot they will be much smaller. Mine is only about 2 foot wide and tall.


Well-Known Member
ahh yes , glad to see theres other similat minded , got my watermellon seeds set aside aswell as anaother few bits and bobs
hahahahah who things they grow on trees? its not a coconut or bananna . . . that sed ( fuck that take way to long and too much space)
iv been considering getting a vinalla vining up a wall or 2 but i hear about it being troublesome.

that pineapple pic is awsome
any1 sucessfully crossed gengo and a fruit or veg like the thc orange tree?


Well-Known Member
thats rockin - good few of those spikey bastards will keep the cats out of there to i imagine . . .
im awaiting my watermellon to complete germing then ill start that badboy.
whos had sum crazy crosses? i see sum badass pumkins for sure , you do squashs aswell?
best thing i seen recenty was this squash looking pumpkin with watermellon pattern goin on . . who knows what it woulda tasted like - be good to find out