Growing plants newb

[video=youtube;choqWinHZwo][/video]This is supposed to be a skunk plant and it's about 2 weeks in what do I need to do? I've put nutes in it once so far I feel like they are pretty healthy but these are my first two plant. They are being grow outside give me feedback!! Much needed thanks


Active Member
You need to take pictures + Don't apply nutes once, keep using them keep it healthy and boost it


Active Member
Take a deep breath man.. theyèll be fine.. just dont give them to much nutes.. and ask questions if any arise.. So far it sounds like there healtthy.. and your just worried your missing a step.. as long as they look healthy and lush.. Your doing your job bud
So here is a video I have on YouTube let me know if my plants are looking okay this is still at 2 weeks or so. I do want to ask it is like 100 degrees and more this week and I am not gonna be at home but I left my plants outside and they are getting a little water daily because of the intense heat. Will they be okay?[video=youtube;choqWinHZwo][/video]
I added a video. On one of my plants the first two round leaves are turning white and dry looking why is that? Does it have to do with the nutes I am using miricle grow is that a bad idea?


Well-Known Member
Be very careful here. These factors:
100 degree heat
nutes on babies
Hot spots in the dreaded MG

Its not going to take much to nute burn those babies. With the MG soil I wouldnt give it any nutes or very very light on the nutes for these first few weeks
Okay thanks yeah right now they are just getting water no nutes the week. But they will be in the heat hopefully I didn't miss up by leaving them there for a week :/ hopefully when I get back next weekend they will be healthy and bigger ill post an update on how they are doing when I can! Thanks
Okay so thankfully my plants made it through the heat this week and actually grew a lot!!! The first two pictures are the same plant. I have sprayed dish soap mixed with water on them so hopefully i wont keep having these bugs eating my girls leaves!! Let me know how healthy they are looking this is about 3 or 3 and half weeks!! Thanks broz