Growing Pot is Easy


Active Member
Also look, He is using a desk lamp for lighting and he is using a fucking ruler to keep it standing up.

I swear this guy will get arrested before flowering, if the plant even makes it that far.

LOL!! FEMALE over here.. and I'm only using the yard stick to keep it up because I had a slight lighting accident and almost snapped the stem in half.


Active Member
this whulk guy never has anything intelleged to say
i have not been on the boards for about 3 weeks i see he has not changed.

good job sandstone hope you can get your own place
and get a grow of your own growing ,you seem to have
a green thumb ,but there is alot for you to learn

Heh, I'm aware I'm just a padawan in this great weed learning cycle. That Whulk guy doesn't concern me.. on the contrary.. gave me a good giggle at everyone who assumed I was male. I like to grow things just to grow them.. not for any specific purpose (with the exception of Aloe Vera for those sporadic minor wounds I tend to get from being clumsy.) But yeah.. that's why I'm not concerned with how the plant looks or what it may or may not yield.

Alot for me to learn, there is.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Sometimes I swear I don't know what all the fuss is about.
But yeah, wanted to tell you all how incredibly easy it was to get the plant this freakin' high with virtually no real work.

ROFL... a thread bragging about how easy it is to grow weed from someone using a desk lamp growing a plant that is STRETCHED to the heavens..... PRICELESS! :lol:

The stem looks nice.... but the plant would be doing a lot better if you used proper lighting.

Anyhow.... you'd probably do better on your next thread to not start out bragging how easy growing is and you don't know what the fuss is about.... which essentially is saying those who are having problems with their grow must be morons. If you must brag.... at least have a plant that backs up your bragging. Just sayin ;)


Well-Known Member
SandStoner, I apologize for th muttonheads here.

Damn guys! Ok she came in with a bit of bravado. I read it, saw the pic and chuckled a little. But no reason to cut her to shreds.

What happened to the laid back stoners??

(that or some people need to get laid)


Well-Known Member
Guys, It IM'd me and this is what it said

Is this message unwanted or inappropriate? Report this Usersyrene016 (5:22:38 PM): hehe.. if you need proof I'm really a girl.. btw.. sandstoner from here.. nice to meet you.. Mike
MikeThe420Ripper (5:22:59 PM): From Niagra?
syrene016 (5:23:02 PM): indeed
syrene016 (5:23:10 PM): you called me an 'it'! that's funny as hell..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:23:23 PM): Called you on what?
MikeThe420Ripper (5:23:36 PM): Niagara*.
syrene016 (5:23:37 PM): on on my thread about growing pot being easy..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:23:41 PM): Yeah?
syrene016 (5:23:52 PM): you called me a guy and stuck to your guns.. how old are you then?
syrene016 (5:24:06 PM): I'm so curious about those gender convictions of yours
MikeThe420Ripper (5:24:08 PM): Does not matter
syrene016 (5:24:14 PM): does too!
MikeThe420Ripper (5:24:19 PM): No not really
syrene016 (5:24:40 PM): you could be 16 and just relatively smart.. (which no sixteen year olds I know of type very well at all).. or you could be 50..
syrene016 (5:24:45 PM): I am curious.. won't you oblidge?
MikeThe420Ripper (5:24:57 PM): It does not matter
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:04 PM): But old enough
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:06 PM): Between
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:08 PM): 15-20
syrene016 (5:25:12 PM): then why bother private messaging me?
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:37 PM): just to say I live in Rochester which is not to far from where you live
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:38 PM): However
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:42 PM): I am here to help
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:46 PM): Your plant is sicker than a mofo
syrene016 (5:26:00 PM): *shrugs*.. don't care..
syrene016 (5:26:05 PM): it'll be killed in about a month or so..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:06 PM): You should
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:09 PM): So
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:11 PM): You grow
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:13 PM): And kill?
syrene016 (5:26:20 PM): natural way of life..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:32 PM): Then why bother growing
syrene016 (5:26:43 PM): to be proud of bring up a seed to begin with
syrene016 (5:26:49 PM): bringing*
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:54 PM): You should be proud when harvesting it
syrene016 (5:27:13 PM): heh.. when I have a 100% fem seed.. I'll give a shit..
syrene016 (5:27:17 PM): and btw.. I'm 23
syrene016 (5:27:20 PM): 24 in June
MikeThe420Ripper (5:27:42 PM): You moron
MikeThe420Ripper (5:27:47 PM): 1
MikeThe420Ripper (5:27:51 PM): A seed can be male or female
syrene016 (5:28:17 PM): lol.. then why bother selling 100% femminized seeds on spots like
MikeThe420Ripper (5:28:24 PM): Nirvana is shit
syrene016 (5:28:27 PM): the way you start off growing them can determine their sex usually..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:28:33 PM): No
MikeThe420Ripper (5:28:38 PM): Ok first
syrene016 signed off at 5:28:53 PM.
syrene016 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.


Active Member
Yeah i think so too, it was meant for hulk. He is knocking the OP and he can't even get a plant half as big. I just hate to see people be mean because someone needs help or doesn't know the ins and outs of growing pot.... idk

Tom bongsmilie

Thanks for sticking up for me Tom, I would have put more effort into this particular plant had I really given a damn about it in the first place, for now it's just something pretty to stick up my room. (Pleasently though)
I agree though.. far too much hostility going on around this spot, and btw.. hulk told me himself he's between 15-20 so I was, according to my own deduction talking to a kid. Bah. :wall:


Active Member
Guys, It IM'd me and this is what it said

Is this message unwanted or inappropriate? Report this Usersyrene016 (5:22:38 PM): hehe.. if you need proof I'm really a girl.. btw.. sandstoner from here.. nice to meet you.. Mike
MikeThe420Ripper (5:22:59 PM): From Niagra?
syrene016 (5:23:02 PM): indeed
syrene016 (5:23:10 PM): you called me an 'it'! that's funny as hell..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:23:23 PM): Called you on what?
MikeThe420Ripper (5:23:36 PM): Niagara*.
syrene016 (5:23:37 PM): on on my thread about growing pot being easy..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:23:41 PM): Yeah?
syrene016 (5:23:52 PM): you called me a guy and stuck to your guns.. how old are you then?
syrene016 (5:24:06 PM): I'm so curious about those gender convictions of yours
MikeThe420Ripper (5:24:08 PM): Does not matter
syrene016 (5:24:14 PM): does too!
MikeThe420Ripper (5:24:19 PM): No not really
syrene016 (5:24:40 PM): you could be 16 and just relatively smart.. (which no sixteen year olds I know of type very well at all).. or you could be 50..
syrene016 (5:24:45 PM): I am curious.. won't you oblidge?
MikeThe420Ripper (5:24:57 PM): It does not matter
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:04 PM): But old enough
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:06 PM): Between
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:08 PM): 15-20
syrene016 (5:25:12 PM): then why bother private messaging me?
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:37 PM): just to say I live in Rochester which is not to far from where you live
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:38 PM): However
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:42 PM): I am here to help
MikeThe420Ripper (5:25:46 PM): Your plant is sicker than a mofo
syrene016 (5:26:00 PM): *shrugs*.. don't care..
syrene016 (5:26:05 PM): it'll be killed in about a month or so..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:06 PM): You should
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:09 PM): So
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:11 PM): You grow
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:13 PM): And kill?
syrene016 (5:26:20 PM): natural way of life..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:32 PM): Then why bother growing
syrene016 (5:26:43 PM): to be proud of bring up a seed to begin with
syrene016 (5:26:49 PM): bringing*
MikeThe420Ripper (5:26:54 PM): You should be proud when harvesting it
syrene016 (5:27:13 PM): heh.. when I have a 100% fem seed.. I'll give a shit..
syrene016 (5:27:17 PM): and btw.. I'm 23
syrene016 (5:27:20 PM): 24 in June
MikeThe420Ripper (5:27:42 PM): You moron
MikeThe420Ripper (5:27:47 PM): 1
MikeThe420Ripper (5:27:51 PM): A seed can be male or female
syrene016 (5:28:17 PM): lol.. then why bother selling 100% femminized seeds on spots like
MikeThe420Ripper (5:28:24 PM): Nirvana is shit
syrene016 (5:28:27 PM): the way you start off growing them can determine their sex usually..
MikeThe420Ripper (5:28:33 PM): No
MikeThe420Ripper (5:28:38 PM): Ok first
syrene016 signed off at 5:28:53 PM.
syrene016 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

*yawns* Kid. :finger:


Active Member
SandStoner, I apologize for th muttonheads here.

Damn guys! Ok she came in with a bit of bravado. I read it, saw the pic and chuckled a little. But no reason to cut her to shreds.

What happened to the laid back stoners??

(that or some people need to get laid)

Don't concern yourself man, I expected and was not disappointed by anyone. It's the same on all kinds of forums. I don't judge this site by a few mean headed people that don't have anything better to do than be pissy on my very first thread. I was just stating that I expected more of a challenge and if I'd wanted to make it a better plant I would have, but I simply don't care.

sorry dear, hoping that may be noticed by the jerks. I grow anything and everything simply to grow, and won't justify why or how for some little kid. Might go back to my book now.. threads more trouble than it's worth.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
SandStoner, I apologize for th muttonheads here.

Gee... how very noble of you :roll: I for one am not a muttonhead, nor do I need you to apologize on my behalf as I stand by what I posted.

Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's not going to take a bit of a ribbing for bragging about her stretched plant.

I don't know what all that other crap with Wulk is.... I decided long ago that he was probably about 15 just by what he posts. I'm guessing SandStoner is not much older.

Ohhhh the drama


Well-Known Member

Gee... how very noble of you :roll: I for one am not a muttonhead, nor do I need you to apologize on my behalf as I stand by what I posted.

Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's not going to take a bit of a ribbing for bragging about her stretched plant.

I don't know what all that other crap with Wulk is.... I decided long ago that he was probably about 15 just by what he posts. I'm guessing SandStoner is not much older.

Ohhhh the drama
No prob. Won't be nice. I'm real good at that.

man, cut a guy down for being nice. LOL.
What a wonderful thread.


Active Member
Gee... how very noble of you :roll: I for one am not a muttonhead, nor do I need you to apologize on my behalf as I stand by what I posted.

Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's not going to take a bit of a ribbing for bragging about her stretched plant.

I don't know what all that other crap with Wulk is.... I decided long ago that he was probably about 15 just by what he posts. I'm guessing SandStoner is not much older.

Ohhhh the drama :spew:

I'm 23 honey, and I fully expected (and more importantly don't give a damn) what anyone has to say about the plant in question. It's going to be killed in about 1-2 months anyway when I move. Then I'll start over again.. and MAYBE.. just maybe.. next time I'll care more and make it better. Which I'm sure you can see another thread from me around that time.


Active Member
Gee... how very noble of you :roll: I for one am not a muttonhead, nor do I need you to apologize on my behalf as I stand by what I posted.

Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's not going to take a bit of a ribbing for bragging about her stretched plant.

I don't know what all that other crap with Wulk is.... I decided long ago that he was probably about 15 just by what he posts. I'm guessing SandStoner is not much older.

Ohhhh the drama :spew:

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Well-Known Member

Gee... how very noble of you :roll: I for one am not a muttonhead, nor do I need you to apologize on my behalf as I stand by what I posted.

Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she's not going to take a bit of a ribbing for bragging about her stretched plant.

I don't know what all that other crap with Wulk is.... I decided long ago that he was probably about 15 just by what he posts. I'm guessing SandStoner is not much older.

Ohhhh the drama
florida havent seen you are round for awhile
i see why now

the cat stoled your car
it warned you there was a lion:bigjoint:


New Member
i think the dissing of this girl is ludacris and unfair so i wont be getting involved any further it's just a shame the title of the thread was wrongly worded and has caused so much bullshit.i have been ripped before but i dont really give a fuck i thought everyone is supposed to be here to help/learn and give advice to others but after reading hundreds of threads this is not always the case.many just want to take the piss just because they think they are the best grower god sent.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
if we all knew how to grow the best weed we woulden't be on this site unless you are on to take the piss.


Active Member
Later people, time to go read some more of this book I've been engrossed in. If anybody is a Star Wars fan.. (which I barely am) this book IS FREAKIN' AWESOME. The first one is called Star Wars: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction. I read that one and now am on the second one called Rule of Two.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
No prob. Won't be nice. I'm real good at that.

man, cut a guy down for being nice. LOL.
What a wonderful thread.

Nahhh.... you ARE a nice guy.... I guess I just didn't like being called a 'muttonhead'. I'm pretty sure you were referring to the exchange with Wulk.... but none-the-less I wanted to point out that you have to expect a little ribbing when you start a thread like this. My post wasn't meant to be hurtful.... just a little good natured ribbing ;)

I'm 23 honey, and I fully expected (and more importantly don't give a damn) what anyone has to say about the plant in question. It's going to be killed in about 1-2 months anyway when I move. Then I'll start over again.. and MAYBE.. just maybe.. next time I'll care more and make it better. Which I'm sure you can see another thread from me around that time.
Please don't call me 'honey'.... it's condescending and I'm old enough to be your mother.... thanks ;)

If you notice... I did compliment you on your plant's stem... it looks very healty (perhaps your egg shells).... and I'm sure on your next grow if you make an adjustment to the lighting situation you will have a kick ass harvest

Do you like
I love the LOLCatz.... I get em from all over the net. Long live Ceiling Cat :mrgreen:

florida havent seen you are round for awhile
i see why now
the cat stoled your car
it warned you there was a lion:bigjoint:

HAHA!!! I travel a lot for business so I go through periods where I'm not on-line as often.


Well-Known Member
jesus who cares if she's a girl or she's 23 or whatever

the title of this thread should be "growing pot is easy, if you have the proper lighting"


if she wanted to save the plant she could by topping it way back down to the bottom (in other words cut it down to 6" or so tall) and going to wally world and grabbing one of those four packs of 23 watt CFL's for 7 bucks.

to sandstorm or whatever your name is you can save the plant and grow some decent bud, and you haven't completely wasted your time, the plant has a sturdy stem and well established roots i'm sure.

1) top the plant to about 6" or so, right above a set of leaves.

2) go to walmart and buy 4 x 23 watt CFL light bulbs (compact fluorescent lights, the energy efficient kind that look like little spirals) for 7 dollars, they come in a green box.

3) get some lamps and arrange them around the plant so the lights are around 3-4" away from the leaves.

4) run the lights for about 2-3 weeks for 18+ hours a day (most just leave it on 24/7) and let the plant bush out a little on the bottom, with adequate light cannabis is a very bushy plant, not tall and thin like yours.

5) get an electrical timer (4 bucks at walmart) and set your lights to run for 12 hours a day (it is important that it is in total darkness for the 12 hours the light is off so stick it in ur closet and keep the door closed at night.

6) after you make the switch to 12 hours light/12 hours dark the sex of the plant will show in 2 or 3 weeks, there are instructions on here to figure out if you have a male or female (it's pretty easy to figure out), then you've got about 5-7 more weeks of flowering and you should be able to get an eigth or a quarter off of it and if you harvest and cure it well it'll be some good smoke (assuming it ends up being a female)

or you could just skip step 1, and instead re-plant and start over steps 2-6.

edit, i read you are already on 12/12 everything still applies except i wouldn't top at this point if you've already started flowering. you really need to increase your light output or when the plant starts flowering (which requires FAR more energy than vegetative growth). i think the one thing you didn't really understand is that your plants extreme height is actually a natural adaptation for a plant that isn't getting adequate light. for example let's say the plant was growing in the wild but a lot of the light was blocked by some bushes, the plants natural response is to grow taller to get direct access to the light, which in your case is rather extreme as that is a very stretched out plant.