Growing Querkle, 3D, and Jillybean


Active Member
plants look great!
LB and sub, you can clone a flowering plant. it roots as normal, but will take abit longer to revert to a vegging plant. like once the clone has root yoyrll start getting growth from the buddy bit of the clone. like lil 1 leaf stems will shoot out from the bud and slowly grow back to a normal vegging plant. it'll just take an extra couple of weeks. if you wonna keep a strain and is in floweer, it can be done. no probs

plenty of love


Active Member
you can even revert the plant its self, take ya smokables off at havest, and leave sopme bottom growth, stems and fan leafs and put back on a 24 or 18hr cycle. it'll staert revert within 2 weeks, yourll get alot of 1 leafs growing.

ya need to build a lil vegging cab, so you can take the clones as soon as pos and get them reverting. it works ok. they root the same. make sure to leave some fan leafs on


Well-Known Member
They're tough buggers,no probs with heat 41c+ for 4 says,lotssss of water needed!


Well-Known Member
Oh,that's 41 in the shade.
Just dropped in to say HI to LB and Rix. Both your grows are looking great. I also have a few of Sub's genitics and will be doing an outside grow with Supersoil mix. I will be buying the ingredients either this or next weekend. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Hey LB how are the little ones doing? Are they giving any smells yet? Any colouring in the querkles yet? Any pics and updates yet? :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks gt111,I flipped the lights last monday week,as predicted 1 jill became jack,the other two have doubled in height,pretty sure they're fems.
Beans,after a day in the sun & a gentle caress at night and I'm breaking up basil to cover smell.


Active Member
Hey Rix, rock on bud, maybe you could get a thread goin in here and get some comparison with Littlebat. I have a feeling this thread is going to blow up soon with all the TGA gear.


Well-Known Member
Thanxs Beans.We down this way have to set the pace for outdoor grows for '09.


Well-Known Member
Thanxs Beans.We down this way have to set the pace for outdoor grows for '09.
I'll be growing outdoors again this summer. My plan is to start seeds for the outdoor grow in the cab after these are done. I'll probably use the cab to dry these buds because it's dark and has an exhaust fan, and then I'll start seeds for outdoors. By May, when it's time to plant them, they'll be big enough that I can take cuttings, flower them, and weed out the males early.

They're growing right along, doing well. They're very stinky, especially the Jillybean, which is exactly as described: orange skunk. It's worth growing for the smell alone (but if you don't want people to know you're growing weed, don't grow this strain!!) 3Ds are very resin-y and have filled out faster than the others (as they're supposed to.) They have a lot of orange hairs. The others don't look that different from the last pics yet; I'll post some more in a week or so. No color in the Querkles yet, still green.


Well-Known Member
So I went to water tonight and the Jillybean was completely dry and crunchy!!! I check them every night, so this literally happened OVERNIGHT! All plants have been adequately watered. Can you guys give me any idea what happened??

Also, one of my 3Ds and one of the Querkles is getting yellow spots on the leaves. Here are some pics...



Well-Known Member
hey littlebat i had that same problem your having with your jillys. i have no idea what the problem is so i'd like to hear if anyone has anything to say


Well-Known Member
LB,I feel your pain.I guess your under lights,could it have been a hot spot?the yellowing's natural during budding,try some potash.How old are they?


Well-Known Member
LB,I feel your pain.I guess your under lights,could it have been a hot spot?the yellowing's natural during budding,try some potash.How old are they?
I planted them in early Oct and put them into bud in mid-Dec.

Rix, that blows that you had the same problem!! I wish Sub would come & help us...*sends bat signal*