GROWING SEASON YESS! Good grow spots?


Active Member
Ok, so ive done a share of hiking and found a sexy ass spot. ok, it is by a small lake (there are like 9 or 10 in the forest) where you get in by first going 1/4 mile in via a trail. then you cross though a swamp about 300 feet in width at its thinnest. Then you goo through about 1/3 of a mile of rhododendrons and the best part is that there are so mnay of them that over the years they have simply thinned out. I have a couple of trees but no big issues with that. My questions, is this a good spot? and how can i rig an old aquarium pump to pump water about 20 feet away from the lake into a series of buckets for watering? like how can i rig it to a car battery or some kind of mobile power source?


Active Member
20 ft?

stop being lazy and just walk the bucket to the edge, scoop up some water, carry that heavy bucket the WHOLE 20 FEET and dump it on your plants. that is my advice.

also sounds like an easy place to get to, atleast thats the way it came off to me.
Ok, so ive done a share of hiking and found a sexy ass spot. ok, it is by a small lake (there are like 9 or 10 in the forest) where you get in by first going 1/4 mile in via a trail. then you cross though a swamp about 300 feet in width at its thinnest. Then you goo through about 1/3 of a mile of rhododendrons and the best part is that there are so mnay of them that over the years they have simply thinned out. I have a couple of trees but no big issues with that. My questions, is this a good spot? and how can i rig an old aquarium pump to pump water about 20 feet away from the lake into a series of buckets for watering? like how can i rig it to a car battery or some kind of mobile power source?
You seem to love this area and nature it would sound like. Karma is a bitch. Expecially when it comes to mother nature. There are many toxic chemicals in car batteries. This will POISION your beutiful little grow spot. the results may not be immediate, but it will without a doubt have a negitive impact on the enviorment. If your bad to the Mother Earth, She will probably not treat you with kindness


Well-Known Member
20 ft?

stop being lazy and just walk the bucket to the edge, scoop up some water, carry that heavy bucket the WHOLE 20 FEET and dump it on your plants. that is my advice.

also sounds like an easy place to get to, atleast thats the way it came off to me.

i dont think he sounds lazy to me, hes walking almost a mile to his spot through the woods and a swamp.

Although depending on how many plants your going to be growing, a electric pump watering system might be unnecessary

sounds like a great place tho! good luck!

also lets see some pics!


Well-Known Member
1. Rhododendrons are extremely acidic plants, your pH will likely be a constant battle. 2. If I had water 20 feet away from any spot of mine, I'd probably ejaculate. Mid-late season, I typically carry 5 gallons per hand, and another 5 in a backpack, if I have 15 plants. My trek last year was only 100-200 yards, but uphill. That's 300-600 feet, that was easy. This year I'll have to trek between 1/4 and 1/2 a mile with my water 1320 -2640 feet. Some uphill. Just sayin'. Maybe you're older and/or more out of shape than me, and this isn't something you're as capable of. 3. I agree with UGA, seems easy to find. 4. I Really agree with dave archer in that batteries are simply not at all a good option : pollute the land and it'll bite you in the ass (and you don't need more acidity to fight off) And it's just plain wrong, no respect there. And I'm a man of science(particularly plants), not Buddha.
5. IF you are going to be running a pump, look into gravity pumps, there's little to no pollution there (none, if you use the right materials and/or are conscious of maintaining and cleaning up) The only way I can see electric being good is if you live close enough to have an air compressor connected to a grounded outlet.
Hard work, man. Only way to get it done. I wish you the best of luck and hope you do find something that works for you, while still respecting all that is around you.


Well-Known Member
you can always google solar water pumps..i did and found several different types. I would have linked some but I didnt know exactly what you felt comfortable using or what your price range is for such a product.


Active Member
You guys are all really great. Im starting my babies today and should be able to post pics of the site within a couple of days. I guess ill go without the pump, and as far as accessibility, it really isn't that easy to get to. People rarely hike on the trail thats a mile or so away from my grow spot, so getting there itself is probably unthought of by most passerby's