Growing setup help??

First time growing indoors. My setup is going to be in a 8x8 closet. I'm going to buy a 400watt Phillip, does this emit blue light? If not where did you go buy a blue/Red light? Also I need a passive intake system, to ventilate fresh air. Where did you guys go and buy all this stuff. A local home depot or a Hydro garden store? Thanks


Well-Known Member
What is a 400 Philip? A mh bulb? Yeah that has enough blue but you want a HPS for flowering. A passive vent is simply a hole in the wall. But your going to want a decent size fan to exchange air as a 400 watt bulb will get things heated up pretty quickly.
First time growing indoors. My setup is going to be in a 8x8 closet. I'm going to buy a 400watt Phillip, does this emit blue light? If not where did you go buy a blue/Red light? Also I need a passive intake system, to ventilate fresh air. Where did you guys go and buy all this stuff. A local home depot or a Hydro garden store? Thanks
Depends on where you are located allot of medical states have hydro stores that is where I get my supplies no names and cash means privacy or you can shop online


Well-Known Member
Even non med states have hydro shops, just don't say anything about illegal crops. Say to grow peppers or tomatoes or something. Unfortunately there's news stories of cops following people home from hydro shops and getting warrants from that :(

Don't forget the light trap on the passive intake