growing, smell cause headaches?


Newbe, First timer. I started harvesting, trimming, and drying my plants. the smell is more noticable but my wife said she is getting a headache from it. Anyone ever heard of this?


Well-Known Member
Let me guess, she isn't 100% behind you and your growing.

Women always get a "headache" when it's something they don't like. It's like their way of trying to win the battle, giving you no other options but to stop or proceed knowing that they get a "headache".

It's all bullshit if you ask me, lol.


Well-Known Member
My wife says the same thing...

I think it's just due to how much of it is in my home, it's overwhelming and not to mention the smell...

I think that's what gives her the headaches...

Still trying to figure out how to fix that one myself lol...


I've heard of this happening. I think the smell of flowering or harvesting a plant can be to strong and to much to handle for some people....