Growing some plants first time


Hi, I'm growing these plants and this is my first attempt.I got some questions and need advices from experienced friends.

This plant in the pictures is in the flowering stage now and this is her day 16 in flowering.16 days ago,she was 52 cm tall(about 20 inches) and now she is 75 cm tall(about 30 inches).She's not stretching about since 5 or 6 days ago. got 4 plants in the same room and others stretching regularly but this one isn't.And this girl is the oldest one and the weirdest one,seems like a pine tree.She has got very very fat stem and she is so bushy.And I guess she's got many pistils but I think there's no bud yet.She is in the 22 Litre pot(about 5 and a half gallon I guess) and looks healthy.

I got some other plant pictures and some other questions and I will send new pictures in another message in this thread.If you want to give some advices to a rookie grower like me I will be grateful and I think this will be very helpfull to other rookie growers.Thank you so much...



Active Member
nice first grow man...bout the same if not better than my first grow.
what kinda lights you got her under? using any nutes?


And this is my second oldest and the tallest plant.She was 38 cm tall(15 inches) 16 days ago and now she is 83 cm tall(33 inches).And stretching regularly day by day.She's got many pistils,flower sites(about 30 maybe 40) and I'm not sure but I guess got some developing buds I don't know maybe it's too early but some flowers seems like bud shapes.By the way they are growing under a 400 watts HPS.

Everything seems ok but her bottom leaves are dying,fading and dropping.But I don't think it is a very big problem maybe it is about the water,chlorine or something like that.What I say...ok I'm doing something here but I'm not sure everything is ok cause I have never done this before.I don't know am I watering them correctly or I guess I have some light leaks bla bla.But I guess if the light leaks is big enough they don't grow fast like this.However I don't know am I doing right or wrong...and my head is so empty,I'm not(can't find) smoking maybe about 10 days...and waiting,watching,waiting and watching and waiting again...this is really so hard.If I'm doing wrong this may be very bad,really bad...:shock:

When should I be sure about these girls producing buds?



nice first grow man...bout the same if not better than my first grow.
what kinda lights you got her under? using any nutes?
Thank you.They are under 400 watts HPS.I didn't use any nutes in vegetative stage.And now I'm using some cheap nutes for blooming NPK=4-6-8 and NPK=3-8-4 but I'm not using them much,maybe half dose and once a week.
ease up on the N, its nearing N toxcicity,a nd in flower it doesnt need as much nitrogen
I guess you think that cause she has so green,dark green leaves.But she has these dark green leaves when she was a child :) what I said, she is the weirdest one :)


This is the third oldest plant.She was very young 16 days ago,maybe too young for flowering.She was 22 cm tall(9 inches) but now she is 70 cm tall(28 inches) and seems fine.This plant and the previous one is living in the 14 Litre pots(3 and a half gallon I guess).



This is the 4th oldest plant.I guess she is indica dominant.She was 14 cm tall(less than 6 inches) before flowering(16 days ago) and now she is 55 cm tall(22 inches).But I didn't expect that grow rate and she is in a 5 litre pot...maybe that will be a problem soon...



And this freak is the youngest one.I don't know he or she but it's 2 weeks old from the seed.And it's about 40 cm tall(16 inches).İt was in the garden,under direct sunlight(I mean it wasn't away from the light source) and you know.. attracting attention.So I have to put it into flowering room cause I haven't got a vegetation room.



And this freak is the youngest one.I don't know he or she but it's 2 weeks old from the seed.And it's about 40 cm tall(16 inches).İt was in the garden,under direct sunlight(I mean it wasn't away from the light source) and you know.. attracting attention.So I have to put it into flowering room cause I haven't got a vegetation room.
Was this one this stretched out b4 you put her inside?

It definitely looks light deficient.


Well-Known Member
Your first grow looks great.

You should have very nice buds in about 6 weeks and I know how hard it is to wait-- especially with your first grow.


Was this one this stretched out b4 you put her inside?

It definitely looks light deficient.
Yes it streched in the garden,under the sunlight and I take it inside today and I know it seems like light deficient but this is impossible cause all of the other plants lived in the garden about a month in the past.But this shit is 40 cm tall and I'm sure it is 2 weeks old.I don't know maybe it is a sativa or a male...

Your first grow looks great.

You should have very nice buds in about 6 weeks and I know how hard it is to wait-- especially with your first grow.
Thank you...and yes it's really so hard.Three plants were males,I dried them and now trying to smoking them.But those shits are really terrible and seems they have nothing for my head :)


I got a serious problem.I guess one of my plants is a hermie son of a bitch.I guess I saw some balls in there a short time ago.The second oldest one and most spedy growing one.What shoud I do about this?Should I cut these balls?Or maybe I am wrong,maybe these things just something elses...I don't know,should I cut these balls or should I cut off this plant?


Active Member
it depends on if you want seeds in your bud and if you would like to grow the plant again, the kool thing is, thier feminized. but if you hate seeds in you bud then i would say pull it. but if it was me i would move it away from the other females


I think it's about light leaks from the down side...unfortunately I understand what complete dark is now.I think this is a cautionary situation for other growers.But I saw these 3 balls just on a inferior node of the plant and I decided to take away those balls,I picked off balls yesterday and I don't see any of them today.She looks so beautiful,growing very well and you never think it's a hermie.But if I see these fuckin balls again in somewhere on her...I just shall have to kill it certainly.

By the way I have no problem with hermie plants or seeds.I've smoked many times polinated bud and it's a normal thing when you buying from the streets and some of them may be so great.Actually I'm not fan of this ''sin semilla'' thing.


I did some research about hermie problems and I don't think it's a very big problem now.I'll just try to fight this situation and don't wanna cut the plant at this time.However I'm confused about fertilizers.Should I use fertilizers?I have 2 liquid fertilizers for blooming with npk:4-6-8 and 3-8-4.These are not specific for marijuana growing.They say(on the bottle) one shutter to one litre water.But I see people use npk 10-20-20 or something like that.Should I use these products one shutter or 3-4 shutter to one litre water?