growing tall bushes!!


Well-Known Member
I have a bush, and im not talking pubic.....(that was weird). Anyways I have a small bush now about 6 inches and want to let it grow very big if I can. I read a thread somewere here that said if you do this, then you have to worry about the light not being able to penetrate into the lower sections of the plant making the buds on the bottom smaller and getting an overall smaller harvest. Well, I was wondering if it would correct this probem by adding cfl's near the bottom and a hps on top? can you have too much light or are there reasons that you might not want to do this?


Active Member
no a hps and cfls is actually a good combination. more light means more(and generally quicker) growth. it should speed the whole growing process up and make a bigger harvest.
In my personal studies anyways......


Well-Known Member
or you could trim the lower branches and setup a ScroG and have very nice big buds!
I havent read about ScroG, how do I do this.. I was also wondering, since the bottom leaves are brownin, if I could just prune them as to focuse growth on the other healthy leaves..Is this wat you mean by ScroG??


Active Member
There is no such thing as too much light, too much heat, but not to much light. If you feel that your bush is not getting enough light at the bottom and you don't want to clip or scrog, then by all means add That CFL closer to the bottom in fact if you could put one on each side to promote even growth.
I have seen several instances where grow areas used vertical flourescent lights to compliment the overhead "sun".


Active Member
Like RichardDawson said there is no such thing as too much light for your plants, but the heat generated from the lights is what you have to worry about. In general hps light are hung 2 feet above plants to counter the heat effect, cfls can be placed 2 to 4 inches away from the plant because they generate much less heat. So as long as you can vent the heat generated from the lights put as many lights around your plants as you can. You should experiment with putting cfls under the plants and/or hanging them vertically around the plant.


New Member
Like RichardDawson said there is no such thing as too much light for your plants, but the heat generated from the lights is what you have to worry about. In general hps light are hung 2 feet above plants to counter the heat effect, cfls can be placed 2 to 4 inches away from the plant because they generate much less heat. So as long as you can vent the heat generated from the lights put as many lights around your plants as you can. You should experiment with putting cfls under the plants and/or hanging them vertically around the plant.
Under the plants? Don't plants only take in light from the top? Also, it depends on how powerful your lamps are to determine how far away you keep them. I let my plants grow to within six inches of my 400w hps. The closer the light the bigger your plant will be, the more bud you will get. The best way to tell is to place a hand over the tops of your plants, if your hand isn't comfortable for any length of time then your plants won't be either. Also have one of your fans blowing directly between the tops of the plants and the light. Your other fan should be blowing the stems. Both fans should of course be oscillating to increase air circulation.


Active Member
I personally have never placed cfls under one of my plants but i believe that the undersides of the leaves should be able to absorb the light and therefore an area which rarely gets light will in turn get light and aid in the process of photosynthesis making a healthier better equipped and possibly higher yielding and danker plant. However this is all conjecture based on my ideas so i would consult a botanist or visit your local nursery and ask for the person that knows the most about plants and ask him.


New Member
I personally have never placed cfls under one of my plants but i believe that the undersides of the leaves should be able to absorb the light and therefore an area which rarely gets light will in turn get light and aid in the process of photosynthesis making a healthier better equipped and possibly higher yielding and danker plant. However this is all conjecture based on my ideas so i would consult a botanist or visit your local nursery and ask for the person that knows the most about plants and ask him.
Sorry my question marks would have been better replaced with exclamation points. Only the tops of the leaves absorb light.


Well-Known Member
Well I dont know about 2 feet above, 1st it depends on the watts used, I have a 430 watt and it is about 10-12 inches about my plants with no problem at all with heat.
2nd, yes, use the cfl's as a supplemental light. I'd be careful about placing cfl's only 2 inches away, ask babygro, he seems to be the resident cfl expert, and I am sure he'll tell you 2 inches is way too close.
Scrog and SOG are different techniques used.
As I near my harvest date, I trimmed most of the upper leaves to allow the light to penetrate further, this seems to of helped alot.

Like RichardDawson said there is no such thing as too much light for your plants, but the heat generated from the lights is what you have to worry about. In general hps light are hung 2 feet above plants to counter the heat effect, cfls can be placed 2 to 4 inches away from the plant because they generate much less heat. So as long as you can vent the heat generated from the lights put as many lights around your plants as you can. You should experiment with putting cfls under the plants and/or hanging them vertically around the plant.