Growing tall plants low...


Active Member
I really would like to grow some of the 100-150cm flavors out there! My thing is I have a (tight) existing cab I built about 42" high to mostly some dwarfs, etc....*50-70cm or so. Hey I can top a plant....but I want to now about some bushmaster, etc. & if its possible to grow some of those monsters in my cab. Its quite the down-lo & dont need any questions that come with new bro-n-law :shock:thinking tools are in there....feel me....oh.. & please if u dont know dont answer good intentions really dont help. Im looking for track record here. Cant afford to have a bulb burn here! Im thinking sombody outthere has been there & done that:idea:


Well-Known Member
you need to prune.
theres different ways to do it. try and google it to find a technique that works for you.
another way is root pruning, try google bonsia root pruning


Active Member
how bout an LST grow it and tie the branches down

I have used the scrog method a time or two & yes its helpful to shave a little space, but I'm more interested in actually altering the plants heights period...not really hindering it. The scrog kinda slows it down (atleast for me) ofcourse im more into hydro these days. Would like to see a product thrown into my nukes that simply effects height...kinda like cheating genitics! what u think?


Active Member
Thats 1Coolguy....Thanks for that link. Do you have any of your own experiments to show off. I think maybe in the past scrog was not the best method for the strain i had at the time. even plant to plant was different for me.....anyone.


Well-Known Member
lst bro, best way to keep your plants small and keep the plants all natural.
lst is much more work that supercropping.. however...for your small of a space you might want to consider doing both.

These sativas that im guessing your wanting to grow get to be as you know pretty tall... One way to ensure they will somewhat fit is to top and fim the hell out of the plant every two nodes if you can handle it.

But we all know that these sativas stretch allot too during flowering.

So what now?.. well what i would recommend on sativas is to do a supercrop and then flower quickly after that... say 1 or 2 weeks... ON indicas you want to give it the full two - 4 weeks to recoop because the new shoots that grow up need a little more time.. plus they dont stretch tooo much during flowering,... usually about 12-17 inches max.

Sativas can have up to 32" + in growth during flowering alone.... so supercropping and then soon after flowering isnt a bad idea... It will probably do 20" stretch due to the extra time of healing instead of growing... that should shorten her a bit.

And thx for recomending my thread there weedyoo!
