Growing them on the veranda


Active Member
..i am thingking to have my plants at the veranda since it is not covered and is facing south...and it would save me money for lights n etc.
i think gets direct sinlight about 10 hrs a day summer time... will this be enough to support good yeld?
id say probably not indoor plants need at least 18 hours in light during vegative stage but outdoor plants need a little less. if you wanted to flower it from seed id say that would work otherwise id find another place


Well-Known Member
I think you can grow just about anything there. 10 hours of direct sunlight is very fine and i'm sure you can grow VERY decent bud there. I would start them early and prune them to get a nice and low plant with lots of buds on it. Just prune all the tops the whole summer if you want it low and handy - if you have the space to grow it big... do it ;O)
But - no problem to grow almost any plant on your veranda - it's plenty of direct sunlight. Get outdoor strains that will finish early if you live in a place with cold climate. Remember that expensive seeds often are way more potent than cheap knock offs.
Durban from Sensi Seeds is a great outdoor bushy sativa, but any outdoor plant will do good, so just browse around - use the banners on this forum to get to the seedbank, so the people running this great site will earn their commision ;O)