Growing tips for dummies.........


Active Member
Dec. 3rd I got a 10 week "purple haze" clone and a I dont know how old Sour Diesel clone. Put them in 3 gallon pots the same day. Its been a little over a week and my Haze girl is growing fast,but my diesel looks like a charlie brown christmas tree. lol Skinny and streched. I have them both at equal height under a 1000 watt hps light 20" over head. Like I said haze looks full and leaves are great. Diesel leaves (2) are curled up on sides. Do I need to water the diesel more then my haze? I also put 6 germinated white widow in pots the same day as my clones. They are growing fast!! Closet set up, room temp. at 79 drops to 60 lights off. Floor fan blowing directly on them only when lights are on.18/6 schedule. Dont have a clue of what im doing, just rolling with it. Sooo here comes the dumb questions........1) How often should I be watering?
2) How long do I veg them?
3) Will I see male organs on my seedlings before flowering stage?
4)How bad did I screw up not getting clones the same age and strain?
Thank You all who respond. I feel like an ass:roll:


Well-Known Member
3 gallon pots sound large for clones. Typically you repot 2-3 times while they grow. I am gonna guess overwatering but since you didnt say how much you water well?????

You might see pre-flowers on your plants but it is not typical until after you put them in 12/12


Active Member
I have only watered them once since transplant,but im hearing mixed opinions on how much. should I water until I see water in the reservoir or should I limit them to a certain amount? when I did water I watered until I saw it draining then when the resrvoir filled up I dumped the water. Wouldnt it make since to just fill the reservoir and let the roots take in what they want then just spray the leaves once in a while? HELP!!!! lol.


water them until there is good bit of run off; give them a good drink. i usually water my 3 gallon pots with about a gallon, sometimes 1 1/2 gals, about every 3 days.

overwatering refers to too often; not too much. wait until the top inch of your soil is dry (use your finger and get used to having dirt underneath that fingernail).

spraying the leaves once in a while is a good idea if you're working with low humidity - i'm always fighting excessive humidity so i do not practice "foliar feeding".

3 gallon pots are large for clones but the good thing is u won't have to transplant.

keep them vegging for about 20 days, or until they're about a foot tall and switch to 12/12 cycle for some pretty 3 footers. you could veg them longer and yield more but this is the usual route us novices go. with a 1000 hps you should end up with some really nice buds.

having a variety of strains is a good thing in the end but can make things a li'l more difficult during the grow.

and leaf curl can mean a number of things. post some pics and we'll help out.

and since you're working with clones you shouldn't have to worry about males. the plants can turn hermie if stressed but that shouldn't be a problem if u just let em grow.


Active Member
003.jpgHeres my diesel a few days ago. i took these pics when it was bed time so they are sleepy girls.
002.jpghaze a few days ago sleepy.......... already fixed the height difference.


Well-Known Member
different strains different growth rates, itll take off as long as your giving it the right kinda' lovin


you could switch them to 12/12 now if you want to start flowering. don't mind my repetition but make sure you watering them enough (roughly a gallon and a half each) and keeping your ph around 6.5 (if you don't have a meter u can order one on ebay for 15$) and only watering them when the top inch of soil is dry. using some nutes will increase your yields and thc production but also complicate things so if u feel overwhelmed already then don't sweat it. if you wanted to let your seedlings veg a little longer while u flower ur haze u could put them under a few 6500k cfls at 18/6 and move them back under the hps when they pack on a little more leaf.


Well-Known Member
There's this book called the BIBLE..... you can buy it on amazon for like $20 US Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible. Best book to have bar none. This book will answer 95% of all your questions. I have that book and pests and diseases of Marijuana . Another good read.


Well-Known Member
over watering is the #1 cause of noobs killing plants. If you are watering every time the first inch of soil gets dry you are drowning your plants. You want to water when all but the last 2 inches are dry.