Growing tired of mixing nutrients and pH'ing water.


Well-Known Member
Said the youthful grower.

Never once did the rainforest ask the rain to pH itself before it decided to hydrate and furthur give life to the soil and all life inhabiting.

Nor did the roots ever call out asking for nature to "add some CaMg Bro" or "this nutrient deficiency is from a lockout caused by this and that", or even furthur, "I need you to feed me every week cause that's how I get my nourishment", no, no, and no way, no.

It's more like, the recyclers are working at full potential to summon the purest and most densely potent nourishment from all that is organically and naturally composting amidst the environment. The loving worms are kindly and enjoyably living, existing doing what they live and love to do, recycling all the nourishment that is life, and is the best food for all life. Their castings are the recyclers that absolutely make the highest use of the purest organic nourishment that exists in the environment, leaves, plants, mulch, all of that is being organically composted by the worms and recyclers who function to bring out all that will help plants to grow at their best, which includes over 90 minerals as well as the 16 we commonly think of and 3 that are most spoken about in plant growth.

All that to say, I'm ready to move on from bottled nutrients, and am going to build my own soil. Super heavily amended, with everything I can see that will benefit every single part of whatever plant I grow in it. So that when a plant wants a certain thing for a certain part of its growth/development, it has it readily available, and all I am doing is putting clean water into my soil that I know is filtered of any excess elements. Because my soil will be organically balanced.

So I am excited. I enjoyed organic bottled nutrients for 7 months, and am happy to be getting going on my own organic super soil now so that I can get it mixed and cooked and ready.

I am excited to be making a true organic soil with everything a plant would want and need, and to be building it with compost that I have made and is very healthy with lots of worms growing and making great castings from my organic fruit and vegetable compost. So I have some of most of the compost portion of my super soil made and ready, most of it is ready it's been cooking since November. The rest since February. I am also excited to put a layer of organic mulch, and will choose what I feel would help maintain the medium the way I want. Most likely some wood chips or specific type of bark. But for sure a good layer of mulch to help with soil water retention and to keep a good top layer of nutrients composting and cycling and hopefully have lots of worms happily working and growing in the soil as well to take care of the plants and provide all the nourishment and food they want.

Here's to a true organic garden, and I am well furthur along than I had realized quite possibly.

Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
Cool. Just remember if the wormz exodus then something is not right...they are natures little garden meters.. :)

You should alwayz have wormz in your soil when your plant is finished also...then recycle it.... :)


Well-Known Member
Cool. Just remember if the wormz exodus then something is not right...they are natures little garden meters.. :)

You should alwayz have wormz in your soil when your plant is finished also...then recycle it.... :)
I was so happy to open the top tier on my compost tower and see lots of little worms being born and even more wriggling around, eating and pooping out food. I'll be excited to add the compost to the soil when I get to building it.

Thanks for the response man.