growing to sell


Active Member
plant your seeds,grow them for a month, take clones off of them, grow more, put plants under 12/12, harvest, do it again.

Read, read, read, and read again

Oh one more thing, if you do plan on a large grow, say goodby to any social life you may have, or trips out of town, or having people over, and get used to cringing every time a helicopter flies over or when kids play near your grow.
Hope your nerves are good cause your gonna panick every time your leaves turn color or get brown spots , or bugs attack or dear get at your grow.

Learn what PH is and how to measure it, learn what lumens are, and what makes a good growing medium.

And on and on and on....

Its not a hobbie, its a life

Jar Man

Active Member
Indeed, with the economy showing little sign of significant recovery in the job market category. And little trust, particularly after '08', that the job market will ever recover enough anyway. When clearly despite the best of intentions, more see everyday that the plain fact is the math just doesn't work out nor ever will for near enough manufacturing jobs and such to come back to US soil. Similar to, but even more magnified than in the early '80's, right now an expanding rash of folks are looking for any alternative possible to deal with seemingly endless high unemployment, or to supplement or replace their psychologically and/or financially unrewarding dead end job or career. Everybody and their brother's dog seems to want to jump on the grow bandwagon for plenty of obvious, relatively 'quick and sure money' reasons. Many hear how easy it is, and this is only true to a point. It does require much more than seemingly most are capable of or willing to dedicate the time and commitment to. And right now the grow stores are clearly milkin' the trend. Like anything in life, forget the money, ya' gotta' love what you do to successfully match the gaze of dollar signs in your eyes.


Active Member
I wouldn't know who to sell it to anyway, hardly any ofmy buddies smoke any more and i'm not interested in meeting shady characters who sell the shit.... I think the OP should just stick to dealing, and maybe just maybe have a small grow on the side for a few years while he gains the skills and knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Hey Hector, I thought I was Silly about growing weed. Man, you're way out there in right field, how can you think and talk like that?


Well-Known Member
During the first three weeks of flowering, turn the lights on for an hour during the middle of the dark period. That is, 12 hrs. on, 5.5 hrs. off, 1 hr. on, 5.5 hrs. off, and repeat for the first 3 weeks, after which you may return to the normal 12/12 light cycle. This causes a plant to go "hermie" and pollinate itself, as well as any other female in the room. You must use plants originating only from female seeds or clones to ensure that no male chromosomes are present. The resulting seeds will produce NO MALE PLANTS!
Just because you copy/paste what you see does not constitute reading and comprehending.
Any questions you have at this starting point, and many more, you will find have already been asked and answered multiple times.

Just take some time and READ.


Well-Known Member
But I did spend an average of 6 hours per day on this site reading stickies and journal and asking questions when i couldn't find the answer. I usually don't give a shit about much unless I love it and I love this. This is by far my favorite hobby ever.


Well-Known Member
But I did spend an average of 6 hours per day on this site reading stickies and journal and asking questions when i couldn't find the answer. I usually don't give a shit about much unless I love it and I love this. This is by far my favorite hobby ever.
it is the best hobby i've ever had.

when i first grew back in the 70s, i used a book called a child's garden of grass for some hints on growing. it stated that you should pull the plant out with it's roots and hang them upside down so the THC could flow from the roots to the buds. :lol:

we've come a long way.

i read for a couple of months before i went all in with indoor grows. i grew bag seed first to work out any kinks and then ordered quality genetics. it's been 16 years or so and i'm still learning or re-reading things that i knew about but forgot over the years. it's easy to slip into bad habits. especially when you're a stoner. :)


Active Member
Easy man, he's not the OP.
At least this guy says he did some reading.
Yes I see that now haha... When I started growing I did probably 3 grows in my cupboard without reading 1 page or paragraph of any grow book or website... Once I discovered there were actual books and websites i spent every spare minute reading as much as i could. We really are spoilt with websites likes this.


New Member
99% of the time a fem seed should produce a female plant. Well worth the extra money. If your hermie ratio is more then 1 herm per say 12-20 fem seeds you are doing something very wrong such as light leaks in flower room, any type of extra stress or too much pruning.


New Member
You need to plant regular seeds, not fems, and get a male or two and pollinate female plants with those males in order to get viable seeds. Breeding fem seeds is way out of your league.

You are best off growing out a fem mother and using her clones to keep a halfass perpetual grow going, but you can also just stock up on fem seeds and begin germination about 25-30 days after your plants in veg move to your flower room and then you should have full grown plants ready to move into flower every time you harvest.