We read it in the news headlines every day, and deep down we know it to be true.
There is simply no escaping the fact that the production of tobacco products like cigarettes
, cigars or rolling tobacco is not done in a way that will ensure the end product is not
harmful for the consumer.
In fact, the only REAL way to ensure you know exactly how the tobacco you are smoking is
produced is to grow and harvest it yourself.
Home gardeners can easily
grow tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum) from seed for landscaping or tobacco consumption.
Smokers grow their own tobacco for many reasons: to save money on cigarettes, for the
enjoyment of gardening, and to provide themselves additive-free, chemical-free tobacco
that is generally healthier to smoke than store-bought types.
Even many green-thumbed non-smokers grow tobacco as a bedding or border plant because of
its strong pest-resisting properties. Growing tobacco from seed is about as easy as growing
most other garden vegetables and flowers.
The best thing to do is to get a guide like i got to harvest good tobacco..
Get Tobacco Guide