Growing up


For the past few years I guess I've been dealing with depression and possibly bipolar, and I keep thinking about how fast my teenage years flew by. I'm in my early 20's now and I keep thinking about the last 5 years and I get kind of sad. I think about what I had and it seems like life is going by too fast. I've been doing things that I did a few years ago because it makes me reminisce about what it was like to be 18 again. I was also addicted to opiates from when I was about 19-20. I guess that might also be a part of this depression, but it seems like I've been smoking a LOT more weed to try to find a zone to where i feel comfortable living and being awake. I'm about half way through college and enjoying it, but I still feel like life is going by way too fast. Does anyone else feel this way, or felt this way when they were my age?


Well-Known Member
Hindsight is 20/20 and foresight gets worse if you only focus on the past. You can't hold onto moments once they pass, you can only enjoy them as they come and let them inspire future endeavors. I also think it is a bit normal to feel that way at your age, as long as it is not disruptive to your enjoyment of the present. I know I felt this way and still do, but it shifts over time. When you are 25 you will be mourning your 20's, but not care so much about your teens. When you are 30 you will wonder what happened to 25, and are likely to think you were a dumbass in your teens and glad to be done with those years, ect ect. So steady as she goes, it's all part of the ride.
I found that when you smoke, time moves faster while you move slower. Life passes you by, shit does not get done, and you spiral into oblivion. Since I cut down things are better, remember to use, not abuse


Well-Known Member
time flys like a motherfucker, AND IT SPEEDS UP EVERY SINGLE DAY. least thats how my lifes going and pretty sure how it does for everybody so smoke up drink up live it


Well-Known Member
looking in the past is nice once in a while,but you face forward and live in the now and let yesterday be what it was.The days go by faster with age and the buildup of responsability life throws at you can make you wish you were just a kid again with no worries,but u have to stop once in a while to enjoy the present,there is no time like it.


Well-Known Member
I think we also continue to percieve the years diff over time. wouldn't it be cool if we didn't know how we were? Like 4 years to a twenty year old is 1/5th of thier life. Once your 40, 4 years is only a tenth.


Active Member
When you feel like that have a look at your plants, see how beautiful they are. Helps enjoy the present I find, most beautiful plant to be around. It puts me in awe how magical it is, its like a spiritual feeling.

I am in love with this plant!