Growing Upside down ( light no the ground ) like top


Well-Known Member
see... i fell that in an indoor grow. if i put the light on the ground and plant upside down. I have taken the earth and turned it upside down. except one thing. instead of gravity working against the plant it is working with the plant. it may be a minute effect to nute uptake but when it comes to bud size density and structure i belive it will have a diff.

One person replied a plants roots know which way is down and the plant knows which way is up.

but indoor I am flipping this upside down. even the light. the roots do grow up..... I have seen this. and in a prev picture posted. it looks as the plant was growing to the ground. except this was outdorr so the sun was always above the rootball.

In my indoor grow the sun will be below the rootball and above the foilage. tricking the plant to thinking down is up !!!

why not?????why would the plant not grow to the light??
here you go..the light is below the root line, but the plants still continue to grow up not down to the light source. However most of the leaves on the top row do turn down to face the light, but main stalks still want to grow vertical. I thought this top row was going to stay stout and grow to the side and down toward the light source. I was wrong. BTW the light was also rasied a bit in this pic to give better coverage to the top. it usually sits a bit lower.



Active Member
Im comfused... those plant pots do not look upside down at all. just because the light is below the rootline this is not showing an upside down grow... even if the light was lower. the soil/grow medium is not above the plant. you have not turned nature upside down. you are not tricking the plant into thinking that the ground is above the plant. in your grow the ground is still BELOW the plant.

I do appreciate the pics. looks good brother.


Active Member
see... i fell that in an indoor grow. if i put the light on the ground and plant upside down. I have taken the earth and turned it upside down. except one thing. instead of gravity working against the plant it is working with the plant. it may be a minute effect to nute uptake but when it comes to bud size density and structure i belive it will have a diff.

One person replied a plants roots know which way is down and the plant knows which way is up.

but indoor I am flipping this upside down. even the light. the roots do grow up..... I have seen this. and in a prev picture posted. it looks as the plant was growing to the ground. except this was outdorr so the sun was always above the rootball.

In my indoor grow the sun will be below the rootball and above the foilage. tricking the plant to thinking down is up !!!

why not?????why would the plant not grow to the light??

That's just another problem with the idea of flipping it upside down. If you trick your roots and they grow up instead of down, then you have a problem with watering them from the top. When you water your plant, the water and nutes go down while your roots are growing up. You want your roots to stretch and search for nutes. So by doing that, your watering in the opposite direction


Well-Known Member
Ive been thinking about doing this and thought maybe remove the hood from the light and grow plants from the floor as normal and hang the planters from the ceiling and then just hang the light inbetween each, so in theory you could double your grow area and lets face it a reflector isnt a major thing it helps but ive grown without a hood n plants grow sorta the same, and then the plant will grow down towards the light n if it dont hell a few fishing weights on the best branchs thatll make em grow down the way. And on the note about gravity nasa has been growing plants in space for years all this talk about gravity is complete rubbish space is zero gravity and if ya check up on it the grow pretty well concidering theres no gravity :P
ive seen some pretty good topsy turvey plants. prolly depends on whose doing it and how good a grower they are but ive seen some topsy turvey plants with main stems fatter than my thigh i attributed this to the fact the plant is constantly trying to grow up towards the light. so its sort of like auto LST or something.


Active Member
nasa has been growing plants in space for years all this talk about gravity is complete rubbish space is zero gravity and if ya check up on it the grow pretty well concidering theres no gravity...

please tell me the plants are growing on the moon or mars or something. are you kidding.... the plants nasa are growing are indorr in a synthetic atmosphere that HAS gravity....youve never seen the gravity switch?. :)


Well-Known Member
nasa has been growing plants in space for years all this talk about gravity is complete rubbish space is zero gravity and if ya check up on it the grow pretty well concidering theres no gravity...

please tell me the plants are growing on the moon or mars or something. are you kidding.... the plants nasa are growing are indorr in a synthetic atmosphere that HAS gravity....youve never seen the gravity switch?. :)

their is no gravity button... not hollywood sir lol... there is how ever artifical gravity on some of nasa's ships but on the spacestation there is not because the artificial gravity is made by creating there own localized gravity by the ship spinning


Well-Known Member
no i said space not on other planets wtf ya think led lighting was designed for growing weed ffs it was designed to use in space low energy consuption n long life and yes they were growing wheat i think on the current space station and the previous 1 not tons but enough for there experiments go and read up before ya comment ya think they are all just floating about up there for the thrill of it! there ya go zero g gardening so yes the plant grows to the light nothing to do with gravity very intresting article btw if ya are into ur hydro :)