Growing Veggies w/ Plants for Worst case scenario?


Active Member
I'm doing some thinking, about to start a op. I was thinking in a worst case scenario, If i were to ever possibly get some police coming by asking questions it would be nearly impossible to hide a tent & lights if they sat in my driveway waiting for a warrant. Plants on the other hand, not so hard. So If this did happen, i was thinking it wouldnt be a bad idea to have something legal growing in that tent, such as a tomato plant.

Anybody have any advice on if this is a good/bad idea? What I could grow that wouldn't hurt my yields of the main product or taint the potency/taste/smell?


Well-Known Member
I grow basil and sometimes others in my veg area. No harm to the girls. Gets tougher in flower mode of course. I do not see the added safety. If they are getting a warrant, they are coming in. It is not like you could say, wait here while I grab a basil plant to show you. Not all cops are smart, but they aint that stupid.

Know your local laws and know the risk. For me, though not a legal state, worst case is a slap on the wrist. But i know enough local lawyers and cops that I am 100% confident they would never try to falsely charge me for distributing.


Well-Known Member
i have a bunch of rosemary and and peppermint in my flower room . Its more to deter pests. I suggest you get to a medical or legal state. I also have all kinds of stuff herbs outside with my mj