Growing White Widow


Active Member
looking for help. planted a white widow seed few weeks ago. its sprouted and has shot up in a few days. im keeping it under a lamp 24hrs a day.. when do i put it into 12 hrs of light a day...


Well-Known Member
you can put them under 12/12 after about 2 weeks of vegging but your yeild will be small. Whatever size you let it grow to when its vegging its size will more than likely double when you put it into flowering.:joint: :hump:


Well-Known Member
you can put them under 12/12 after about 2 weeks of vegging but your yeild will be small. Whatever size you let it grow to when its vegging its size will more than likely double when you put it into flowering.:joint: :hump:
U can put it into 12/12 after 2 weeks but remember indoor growing its an artificial way to provide the same conditions as mother nature does, and in mother nature plants don´t veg for 2 weeks they veg for 2 the minimum u should veg ur plants indoor would be at least 6 weeks beeing 8 weeks optimum plant development....


Uses the Rollitup profile
When growing seed plants, you should let them veg until they are mature enough to flower, which is when phylotaxy changes from opposite to alternate. (the branches are no longer 2 to a node) That is usually at least 2 months, and that is why most indoor growers don't do it, because the plants would be too big.

And that is why we grow from cuttings. Because a cutting is already mature enough to flower, and you can easily control the harvest height.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
When growing seed plants, you should let them veg until they are mature enough to flower, which is when phylotaxy changes from opposite to alternate. (the branches are no longer 2 to a node) That is usually at least 2 months, and that is why most indoor growers don't do it, because the plants would be too big.

And that is why we grow from cuttings. Because a cutting is already mature enough to flower, and you can easily control the harvest height.

HTH :mrgreen:
Typically how many nodes are there when phylotaxy changes?


Well-Known Member
hey trying.......i got some widow growing right now too from clones that were veg'd for 16 days.their 17 days in flower today.just posted some new pic's a little while ago


Uses the Rollitup profile
Typically how many nodes are there when phylotaxy changes?
There are too many variables to growing plants to have a typical number. Each strain is different, and each grow room is different. How many nodes grow in 6 weeks?

I'd say my plant would be 24 inches tall, and have 22 nodes.
Your plant would be 32 inches tall, and have 12 nodes. :blsmoke:


New Member
I waiting seeds from seed bank White Widow xxx from serious seeds.I will be growing just male this time for seeds if i will be have 1 male and 9 female i give him sexing my female i need seeds and next summer will be nice!!!HEhehe


Active Member
you can wait longer but to me if you not garantee them being females just waste of times you can be starting new seedings but i uess a week or a little longer couldnt hurt it recommended 2 weeks though hydroponic im doin them right now heres mine 6 days under 1000 watt hps ordering 2 more packs
you can put them under 12/12 after about 2 weeks of vegging but your yeild will be small. Whatever size you let it grow to when its vegging its size will more than likely double when you put it into flowering.:joint: :hump:



looking for help. planted a white widow seed few weeks ago. its sprouted and has shot up in a few days. im keeping it under a lamp 24hrs a day.. when do i put it into 12 hrs of light a day...
read the above posts . a cant believe you asked that question after 20 posts saying when to 12/12