Growing with a 14w cfl


Hi its my first grow, im growing out of an old pc box. I have 2 germinating seeds going well. I have installed a 14w cfl. I have all the nutrients already. Will the 14w work?


Active Member

For two plants? You'll need alot more then that man! Get more CFL's (if you're electrically inclined wire up a mass of cfls <15 amps onto a single 3 prong cord; extremely safely.)

Or if you cant get more light, use the best light avaliable; SUNLIGHT -- Its free and will do your plants more good then a little wimpy 14w. What color is the light? (Redish, pure (neon tube) white?). If the 14w isnt 6400k it is rubbish for vegging seeds and will likely be of a red color (2700k, 3100k which are only good for flowering; its just more wasted light the plant doesnt use currently.) imo.

If you can get pictures.
Based on my experience growing with cfls and then metal halide/hps is that investing in a hps setup is not only worth it but the only way to go imo.


Active Member
Based on my experience growing with cfls and then metal halide/hps is that investing in a hps setup is not only worth it but the only way to go imo.
Sadly when someone is only using a 14w CFL; I find any HID light improbable for the OP.

May as well toss him some hydroponics, haha!

Just fucking around man; I agree HPS is the right way to go at the end of the day. But not good for a first timer-noobie grower, IMO.

**If the OP has only one light socket; you should go buy a 150w++ CFL for your plants, but even then more is needed. Get three Y-socket splitters and use 4 high powered CFL's for vegging may work on the cheap. Make sure the gauge of the cord isnt underrated for 10+amps.**