Growing with an AeroGarden


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. First I'd like to start by saying that my wife and I have been using our AeroGarden legally to grow food herbs for about two years and we have been amazed at its capability to grow quality herbs quickly. We have always toyed with the idea of converting one to start a marijuana horticultural project, but due to the AeroGarden being so small it didn't seem very feasible. We have been avid smokers for years and are getting tired of relying on other people as our means of obtaining Herbage.

Recently though, we noticed that AeroGarden has created an extender arm for growing large tomato plants, the arm in effect changes the height of the lamp to double its height. We can manage the overall height of the plant now with some clever pruning (shorter yet wider plants) so we are pretty adamant about trying it out. My question is this, has anyone actually produced a viable plant with the AeroGarden yet. I have looked through some of the posts but have only found people in similar situations as myself and my wife (whereas they want to start but have not done it yet due to uncertainty of their abilities/green thumbs).

If anyone has a good hydroponic growing guide, or even better and growing guide with the AeroGarden since we already own a few of them it would be much appreciated. I have read about people using FoxFarm Nutrients and /or other brand names, but I have read no where on the mixture and how often the Nutes are added. I know the wife and I could do the guess and check method that has served so many first time growers so well, but if we can learn from others mistakes early on it would make life much more enjoyable. Anyway, I think everyone has gotten the idea of the post, so any tips/tricks/guides that people have access too would be helpful. We are not trying to mass produce, just convert one garden of ours to save us money and the headache of searching for stuff.