growing with kids in the house


Active Member
planning on starting a grow here in the next week or so{5 plants max} in a grow tent in the corner of the garage. question is i have an 7 yr old in the house can i get charged with child endangerment in california for this?.have a recomendation.of course my kid will not be around the tent at all{don't know if that makes a difference.


i have a 5 year old son. i think its okay to grow as long as hes not subjected to ANYTHING. he should never see, hear, smell, ANYTHING that has to do with growing, my son doesnt even know i do it, and thats the way it should be and will stay. make sure you just keep him away from the grow area and you should be okay i think. also since he will be living in the same home, make sure you get AT LEAST two fire alarms directly above or better yet in the grow tent, also invest in a fire exstinguisher sp? ...these things are a small price to pay for safety when it comes to a child. the more safeguards you have, the better CAN NEVER BE TO SAFE, period.


Active Member
I don't recall where it was.. But these coples got busted for growin cause their kids went to school smelling like weed... It's stuff like that!! That makes weed bad in the same homes of OUR children.. On top of that, what happens when the teacher asks you in front of the class what your dad does for a living?

"well, I don't know if he gets paid for it.. But, he does grow house plants in his closet"

Shit like that ya know?


Active Member
i have a 5 year old son. i think its okay to grow as long as hes not subjected to ANYTHING. he should never see, hear, smell, ANYTHING that has to do with growing, my son doesnt even know i do it, and thats the way it should be and will stay. make sure you just keep him away from the grow area and you should be okay i think. also since he will be living in the same home, make sure you get AT LEAST two fire alarms directly above or better yet in the grow tent, also invest in a fire exstinguisher sp? ...these things are a small price to pay for safety when it comes to a child. the more safeguards you have, the better CAN NEVER BE TO SAFE, period.
good looking out man


Active Member
I don't recall where it was.. But these coples got busted for growin cause their kids went to school smelling like weed... It's stuff like that!! That makes weed bad in the same homes of OUR children.. On top of that, what happens when the teacher asks you in front of the class what your dad does for a living?

"well, I don't know if he gets paid for it.. But, he does grow house plants in his closet"

Shit like that ya know?
yeah i know what you mean. just today i saw on the news they busted a house in riverside somewhere growing weed. but this house was growing in every room.they had over 500 plants.i just want 5 plants for personal use.


Active Member
i have a 5 year old son. i think its okay to grow as long as hes not subjected to ANYTHING. he should never see, hear, smell, ANYTHING that has to do with growing, my son doesnt even know i do it, and thats the way it should be and will stay. make sure you just keep him away from the grow area and you should be okay i think. also since he will be living in the same home, make sure you get AT LEAST two fire alarms directly above or better yet in the grow tent, also invest in a fire exstinguisher sp? ...these things are a small price to pay for safety when it comes to a child. the more safeguards you have, the better CAN NEVER BE TO SAFE, period.

I couldn't have said it any better myself. Fire alarms and extinguishers are a must and a carbon monoxide detector is good too. I don't know the laws in California but I know your protected by the constitution. Every one on here needs to know their 4th 5th and 6th amendment rights. 4th You have to the right not to consent to search. They can pat you down for weapons but they can not search you OR your home with out consent. They can do a welfare check where they come in check the rooms for people in distress and get the fuck out. Plain sight does apply for this rule so its best to keep your put away regularly. Your 5th amendment right is the right to remain silent. The police are not you're friend they get paid to write down what you did wrong and why you need to go to jail. Not to write down that you're innocent or of good character. The judge and you're attorney are all you need to speak to. 6th amendment right is the right NOT TO BE QUESTIONED until your attorney is present. To be assholes the cops will say " well who's your attorney call him and we'll talk to him." that is when you reply with "I will provided with one if and when I am charged with a crime" If and when the police officer continues to harass you politely remind him that he is violating your 6th amendment right. This forces the officer to either walk away or charge you. You can NOT get in trouble for not cooperating if you do this as polite as possible. Avoid the gotcha games and know your rights!


I couldn't have said it any better myself. Fire alarms and extinguishers are a must and a carbon monoxide detector is good too. I don't know the laws in California but I know your protected by the constitution. Every one on here needs to know their 4th 5th and 6th amendment rights. 4th You have to the right not to consent to search. They can pat you down for weapons but they can not search you OR your home with out consent. They can do a welfare check where they come in check the rooms for people in distress and get the fuck out. Plain sight does apply for this rule so its best to keep your put away regularly. Your 5th amendment right is the right to remain silent. The police are not you're friend they get paid to write down what you did wrong and why you need to go to jail. Not to write down that you're innocent or of good character. The judge and you're attorney are all you need to speak to. 6th amendment right is the right NOT TO BE QUESTIONED until your attorney is present. To be assholes the cops will say " well who's your attorney call him and we'll talk to him." that is when you reply with "I will provided with one if and when I am charged with a crime" If and when the police officer continues to harass you politely remind him that he is violating your 6th amendment right. This forces the officer to either walk away or charge you. You can NOT get in trouble for not cooperating if you do this as polite as possible. Avoid the gotcha games and know your rights!
listen to this smart, pretty lady...

your sexy as sin and know your rights, i dont know whats a bigger turn on.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the laws, and I'm not a lawyer, but I do live with children in the house and I live in SoCal. I've been grow in my backyard for years and several times had visits from the police. They have never said anything about the kids having access to my plants. They just count the plants, ask who they belong to, and then leave.


Active Member
listen to this smart, pretty lady...

your sexy as sin and know your rights, i dont know whats a bigger turn on.

Lol thank you kind sir! Knowing your rights is half the battle invoking them when the time calls for it is a completely different story! Its scary sticking it to the man but so fun after you realize you've done it!


Active Member
I don't know the laws, and I'm not a lawyer, but I do live with children in the house and I live in SoCal. I've been grow in my backyard for years and several times had visits from the police. They have never said anything about the kids having access to my plants. They just count the plants, ask who they belong to, and then leave.
how many plants did you have? im only planning on 4 or 5..nothing big


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
.......snip....... Its scary sticking it to the man but so fun after you realize you've done it!
Fun! Seriously? Ouch, you have never had a search warrant served on you, have you? It is NOT fun having them take pry bars to your walls, imagine having the insulation pulled out of the walls during a 0 degree winter. How about pull your toilets off the wax rings, cutting apart mattresses etc... Do you know what a retainer for a heavy weight CD attorney costs? Ever had to write that check? Think you can use a PD? PD's for the most part mean you are going to plea bargain.

Just making the argument in court is going to take you to 5 figures fast. Do you have that put away? Would it really be 'fun' to write that check? That is not my definition of fun. This is not a venue to play defense attorney and if you happen to be an attorney then you know that Pro Se /Pro Per has a fool for a client.

These kind of posts worry me as I fear they encourage people to act against their best interest. Yes you have rights. Assert them quietly and professionally as a last resort but the wisest person stays far below the radar; no tell, no smell, no sell, discretion is the better part of valor.


Active Member
Fun! Seriously? Ouch, you have never had a search warrant served on you, have you? It is NOT fun having them take pry bars to your walls, imagine having the insulation pulled out of the walls during a 0 degree winter. How about pull your toilets off the wax rings, cutting apart mattresses etc... Do you know what a retainer for a heavy weight CD attorney costs? Ever had to write that check? Think you can use a PD? PD's for the most part mean you are going to plea bargain.

Just making the argument in court is going to take you to 5 figures fast. Do you have that put away? Would it really be 'fun' to write that check? That is not my definition of fun. This is not a venue to play defense attorney and if you happen to be an attorney then you know that Pro Se /Pro Per has a fool for a client.

These kind of posts worry me as I fear they encourage people to act against their best interest. Yes you have rights. Assert them quietly and professionally as a last resort but the wisest person stays far below the radar; no tell, no smell, no sell, discretion is the better part of valor.

I have been raided and spent 3 months in jail for being unable to pay bail. And when they served me with the search warrant "before we could ask her anything she told us, "I am invoking my fourth fifth and sixth amendment rights."" And I got a court appointed because yes attorney retainers are ridiculous but what does that have to do with invoking your rights? To say these kinds of posts scare you is the reason why everyone is in the dark in the first place. People need to know their rights to protect themselves. Of course staying below the radar is key but lets face it if you're targeted and the police want you going down, You're going down and need to do it the right way. And yes it sucks going down but its the greatest feeling in the world knowing that you did it the best way you could have. so I would say yes going to jail sucks and sitting there for 3 months because you can't pay bail sucks too. But looking the police in the face and telling them FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! in a way that is so pro is indescribable. I post this on here because I feel that any parent growing trees needs to know how to protect themselves and their children. I don't know you're getting upset?