growing with mirrors


Active Member
I was wondering if any of you have used mirrors in the grow room. I understand that painting the walls white will help to reflect the light; would using mirrors be even better. I have access to mirrors, so cost is not an issue. I am conserned about too much intesity of the lights. I have use a 20"x24"x24" cabinet that has a white interior for my clones and started seeds with flouresent grow lights. My main grow room that I use for flowering is a 4'x8'x8' closet with 2 150 watt hps lamps. Would mirrors help in either of these rooms, or is there any benefit at all using mirrors???

Any feedback will be helpful, thanks!!



Well-Known Member
mirrors arent really suitable for growing. they absorb alot of light instead of reflecting it. and the light they do reflect could create hotspots in your garden and could burn your leaves. use flat white paint or mylar.


Well-Known Member
billbob88 is correct - mirrors: bad. do a search on mirrors to see this question answered many, many times.


Well-Known Member
Mythbusters did a show on mirrors, not for growing, but pretty informative none the less.


what about the reflective side of cd's i noticed the red green blue colors any extra red blue spectrum growth boost? just a thought but afraid it might reflect hot shots to