Growing without an exhaust and intake fan just Co2?


lets say you have a 100% seald off room with an aircon and dehumidifier. and pleanty of co2 to keep a level at 1500 ppm. is it possible to grow without an exhaust and intake fan or am i missing something? do they need something more in the air to survive? just heard Steve Kubby mention that in a video seen here: at 01:00 min mark.

i have googled this alot now but no good info yet so trying here so hope someone knows something so i can make my grow op even better and safer.



Active Member
Hey bubbels, for the last two months I have been asking this question and have gathered a bit of information but no experience for another couple months. It appears, as long as you keep your co2 levels correct, you don't need to bring in "fresh air" that's what you'll be creating.


Active Member
lets say you have a 100% seald off room with an aircon and dehumidifier. and pleanty of co2 to keep a level at 1500 ppm. is it possible to grow without an exhaust and intake fan or am i missing something? do they need something more in the air to survive? just heard Steve Kubby mention that in a video seen here: at 01:00 min mark.

i have googled this alot now but no good info yet so trying here so hope someone knows something so i can make my grow op even better and safer.


well it would be ok but plants do the opposite of photosynthesis in the dark.

they respire (breathe) co2 in and air out when it is light.

they respire air in and co2 out when it is dark.

so it is possible to run two flowering rooms the same size, same amount of plants with fans in between running the flow back and forward between the rooms.
but one room would be in the dark while the other would have its lamps on.

the problem then would be heat in the room that is dark.

leave your fans off all night in a large sealed grow room full of plants.
when you enter it in the morning you will feel physically sick as there will be a room full of smelly co2 and it will poison you.
that is what happens when you die at the bottom of the ocean in a sunken submarine.
you do not die of suffocation, you die of co2 poisoning, breathing in your own and others co2 when the air runs out, basically you just fall asleep and die.