Ty again for info! I topped off the soil tonight ….the 5 gallon jug still had like 4 inches of space so now it’s filled to the rim ..,only thing is I hope I wasn’t too rough with her …I watered alittle after…I applied neem oil ln and even tho my plants had 14 hours they still got burnt!! Nutrients are on the way but my question is will the plant be able to absorb the new soils nutrients ? Even if it’s on top by the stem where there’s no roots ? Noob question I know I’m guessing once you water the nutrients will drip down?No …. Each plant in that soil regardless if pot ir whatever will exhaust it on its own schedule ….
The absolute MINIMUM you can do is to top off that pot with MORE HF and water it in. That simple step will help recharge the base medium ( plus plant is already used to it ) then hunt down a simple dry fertilizer.
Dry fertilizer:
Dr. Earth
Happy Frog Fruit and flower
DTE 4-4-4
Water Soluble
Maxibloom ( you can run this from start to finish )
Gh Flora