Growitup Greenhouse 2011

nice boat yours? welcome home
Na, that's my buddies boat. Hes had it for about ten years. Thing rocks, he can pull three skiers no problem.
The Jet ski is owned by a mutual friend of ours, She let us borrow it for a week. I like riding that in the mornings.

Glad to have you back buddy. Looks like an awesome trip, next time I'm crashing the party ;)

Let us see those ladies!!!!

Ha ha, you got it bud. Same time next year!
Got a couple shots for ya.




I'm gonna get in there and get some training done tomorrow.
I rolled out the girls in the center and tied back the plants under the screen. Topped the trainwreck... maybe I should have taken a bit more off, she still looks tall to me. Bubba I left alone. Fed them a mix of Pura Vida, Calmag, hygrozyme and for the first time Molasses. 750ppm pH 6.3

Best thing about this round is no bugs!
That's right I checked them all real close today and no mites, nothing.





Girls in the cab are flowering now, gonna feed them with Earth juice bloom tonight.





Week 9 vid;

wow really filling out, its amazing how much better they do in the cali sun! thats great about the bugs, personaly i wouldent stop treating them just incase, also im really intrested in how the molasses wroks out.
Wow cruz, they've blown up since I last came round here. all look in perfect health as well, top gardening as always :leaf:
wow really filling out, its amazing how much better they do in the cali sun! thats great about the bugs, personaly i wouldent stop treating them just incase, also im really intrested in how the molasses wroks out.

No kidding man, I hit everything under the screen with AzaMax a couple weeks ago, about time for another shot.
Along with the no see em screens I closed the gap under the door with a threshold, as long as I dont trip over it I'll be alright. Hell, even if I do its worth it not to have spider mites. I checked last years journal and spider mites were all over one plant and spreading to the rest about this time.

This is from 7-20-10

"Heres some shots of blue dream with mites,

Lower leaf,


Upper leaf,


I dont see any movement but they are still there. I'm not fucking around with this.
I went and got some floramite to add to my arsonal today. Going to give her a bath in it tonight."

Actually, I had to toss that Blue Dream last year.

About the molasses, the first thing I can tell you is it gunk's shit up. I went out there this morning and my 400 gph recirculating pump was clogged. I cleaned it out then checked ppms, it went down to 600 after this feeding, I'll have to keep an eye on that pump.
Wow cruz, they've blown up since I last came round here. all look in perfect health as well, top gardening as always :leaf:

Thanks man, second time around makes a big difference. I got the bugs and the plants under control this year.
I was just comparing grows, this is what it looked like last year.


Oh yea, now I remember reading that about molasses too. :wall:
Looks great cruzer! Is this the first time your using earth juice? I have always been interested in it. How's the smell?

I love the photos of your week at the lake, looks like a great time!
Yep first time, trying to stay organic as much as possible. Smell isn't pretty but its not as strong as say flora Nova. It has a consistency of FF big bloom, or like chocolate milk. I read it works well with hygrozyme and its cheap. right down my alley.

Yeah, going to the lake is always fun. It was more fun when I was drinking :wink: but still a great time. I met up with this guy who lives up there, haven't seen him it like 10 years, mountain man kinda dude. I kicked down a joint to him and the next day he stops by and gives me an oz of strawberry kush from last years grow. Say's hes got about 10 lbs personal. LOL Good people man.
Hiya Cruz. Ya might want to do a google search about injecting the molasses downstream of your pump. My lawn irrigation system is setup that way for injecting liquid fert. Might even be quicker to give a local well pump guy a call if you know of any and they can advise you on how best to do it with your setup...probably wouldn't take more than a simple fountain pump or sump pump at most to get enough pressure to inject.


Edit....I did a quick search myself but nothing really jumps out. Also changed a little bit of the above when I got to thinkng about the viscosity.

lol second edit....was also just thinking that they have those miracle grow things that you can attach on a hose. You might be able to rig one of those in the line. I'm outta more edits.
Hey Wilbur, thanks for the ideas. so far so good as far as the rings I made not clogging up. The holes I drilled are much larger then sprayers.
I got a 400 gph pump circulating it around so that helps. (when its working) That res hasn't been cleaned this grow, I think that's adding to the problem. I'll get that done this week and go again, if it glogs up again I'll look into something downstream, Thanks.

I'ts almost time for bloom nutes!
Hey, I'm happy if any of my input helps...especially since I live in Florida and can only watch. Such a sad fate for someone like me who grew up in the 70's. I hope the rest of the country opens up to what ya'll have out in Cali.

Ah yes, the days of long hair, playing guitar, peace signs and flower child's.
Getting stoned and listening to Hendrix, Zepplin and the Beatles. Those were the days.
Yep, that res was caked with gunk. I cleaned it out and I'm running straight hygrozyme for the rest of the week.
I just checked and found out I will be at 14 hours of daylight by then so I will switch to bloom nutes a little early.

Got in there today and trained them back again, That train wreck I should have topped before I went to the lake cause as it is Im gonna need to train it and thats not going to work having it in the center so I modified the screen, removed one of the the 6 foot screens on the back wall and made a 4 foot one. I'll use it this grow then in my cab, it just happens to be the right size :wink:

Now I got the train wreck in the corner where I can train it. They are getting tall so I moved the fans up and to the opposite walls and switched some white panels in the front to clear ones so I can get some side lighting and slow down the stretch some. I'll get pics in a couple hours, once they turn up again.


Got her to fit right in the corner.



Got the res clean and ready for bloom nutes. That's hygrozyme in there now.





+1 on the downstream injection I used to design irrigation systems including one for a 2000+ orchid grow set up and that is exactly what we did for the bi weekly feed. works like a charm.
Hey, I'm happy if any of my input helps...especially since I live in Florida and can only watch. Such a sad fate for someone like me who grew up in the 70's. I hope the rest of the country opens up to what ya'll have out in Cali.


lol over here... the 70's yeah a '72 Riviera some thai stick and parking late at night on the back roads till dawn with the girl. Damn I do miss that.