Well-Known Member
You could always plant them, and follow this journal and stay like 2 weeks ahead to see whats next. Every time I fed I listed /gal quantities, and only had very minor burning on the tips of the leaves.
The only thing I could really list is to follow the full strength fox farms feeding for tiger bloom and grow big, and use 20mL big bloom for regular feedings and 30mL for strong feedings. Only use the grow big and big bloom for veg, and then use big bloom and tiger bloom for flower. I would recommend keeping mostly the big bloom /grow big program for the first 4 weeks of flower, and use about 5mL tiger bloom and 15mL grow big in the last week and then start using 15mL tiger bloom 5mL grow big for the 5th week and then just use only tiger bloom and big bloom for the rest of flower until you flush.
If that sounds complicated just go back to page one and start writing down what I fed with on what days.. I followed a water - feed - water - feed schedule..
sweet kinda but i got it thanks man i will im about to move and what not so im gonna get set up soon !