Growmans Stealthy Sour diesel/white widow grow


Well-Known Member
nice to see your back in da game.....dont go beatin any kids now.... nobody wants to seee those mijits..hhhahahahah....jk...ill be checkin on em stilll......


Well-Known Member
Hey growman thought I'd stop in and comment =)

LOVE the stealth setup!! Just looks like so bins stacked up in the corner, nothing major....

Everything looks pretty good I just had one question. In the middle of your plants is one that has circular leaves....what's going on with that one? I threw some bag seed in some MG and put it outside. I have around 6 plants that look just like that, any suggestions why they turned out that way?

Good luck*


Well-Known Member
hey good to have ya they are not marijuana they are just put in there to add more stealth to the grow
i have 7 more sour diesel germinating at the moment and about 20 bagseed also


Well-Known Member
ohhh I see. Well I just left those plants growing outside. They can't even be marijuana lol I just wanted to see what would come of it.

Good to hear 7 more SD's. I'll be around =)

I'll post a pic of those weird growing creatures on my grow.