growroom size can some1 plz help

i have a closet witch is 5 feet tall / 1foot 7 centimeters from back of the closet to the front / and 2 foot 8 wide is this ok ? and for how many plants ?


Sure dude, people grow in rubber-maid containers and filing cabinets. How many plants really depends on what your plans are, and other factors like your lighting.
It is a small space, but enough for a 150w; perhaps even a 250w HID. It is more so the amount of light that is available that is going to determine what you will harvest, not the number of plants. Cramming more plants under a 250 watt bulb isn't going to get you any more than if you only had a couple.

This is where your grow style makes that determination, if you were going to let a couple plants veg out until they filled in and got just over a couple feet tall (maybe 2.5 feet) before you force flowering then that will do fine. If you were going to do more of a SOG it could involve many more plants (seedlings, or preferably clones) that will be much younger upon forcing. But again, the yield should be roughly the same provided that which ever way you do it there are at least enough plants in there so that you are not just wasting light, letting the carpet absorb it.


Active Member
ohhhh..rubber made sounds like my speed. gave outdoor a chance this year and results were sad. I'm limited on space and finances but think i could swing something rubber made size. have been researching designes but all have been pretty big. if anyone has any design plans for rubber made i woudl really be happy.

thank you all in advance

thanks every1 , becuse i have a smaller place i think am going with indica strains mainly because of the way they grow .
i have enouth money for a 400w light will this be to much heat for this space ?