GrowSpecialist's basic tips for growing Marijuana


Well-Known Member
I think that post is definatly a good guide line to use for newbies, so to all those knocking it, fook off, if all the newbies had this list on there 1st grow, a lot more would be successful. and imo i think that sure, if you got a few grows under your belt, you become more experienced with what works for you. remember these are basic growing tips, not advanced commercial grow tips. and i thank you grow for the thread.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilienice list I like the way you think bagseed, 24/0 lights ect I've been doing it that way for years and I thought I was the only one who knew there are no shit strains left here in the states their all hybrib if your smoke n good american home stone!!:lol: I'm sure some dissagree but let's not dirty his thread nice list!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. I always try to give good advice. The methods that have worked for me. Just because one person doesn't agree with my advice doesn't mean that its bad... and it doesn't mean that I'll stop giving it. Stonecold is right on the money. This list is for newbs. Thats why they are called BASIC tips.

We get it, cheezy, you regard yourself as the master. Anyone who YOU don't agree with is a newb. Whatever you say there, buddy. Anyhow, you just keep doing what you do. I won't judge you, I won't jump on you for trying to be helpful. Thats not how I roll.

Btw, I will be starting a grow journal. Stay tuned.


New Member
I see the list like a recipe in the kitchen, it's an outline to follow that you can change to suit your taste.

I also don't think there's so much bad advice as a difference in opinion. No matter what a person can come up with there will always be someone that disagrees.


Well-Known Member
The reason you're catching flac is cause at the bottom of those guidelines you put "Follow this and you'll spend the least amount of cash and yield the best results." Yield the best results? Using MG nutes? It's not that it can't be done, but if you're gonna call your advice great advice, and tell people they'll have great should at least make sure it's true. MG is least noob-friendly fert there is, so since this is for noobs, I would NOT recommend MG lol.

The only thing that I strongly disagreed with was number 1. This has straight up lies in it. You have much to learn if you think all cannabis strains are the same, and the only differential is handling/curing/drying after harvest. Not only are there millions of strains, each with a unique THC percentage, but THERE IS strains that are shit to begin with. Not just that, commercial bud like schwag usually has great genetics. The reason schwag is schwag, is because the commercial growers don't separate the males, and every female becomes pollinated as soon as it's growing it's first pistils. Since every plant is hermi'd, the plant doesn't even come close to being half as potent as it could be, in a sensimilla crop. There is a decent amount lost in handling, but that's not even worth complaining about. You could take a White Widow, let it herm, and the bud wouldn't come close to a Durban Poison sensi crop.


Well-Known Member
The reason you're catching flac is cause at the bottom of those guidelines you put "Follow this and you'll spend the least amount of cash and yield the best results." Yield the best results? Using MG nutes? It's not that it can't be done, but if you're gonna call your advice great advice, and tell people they'll have great should at least make sure it's true. MG is least noob-friendly fert there is, so since this is for noobs, I would NOT recommend MG lol.

The only thing that I strongly disagreed with was number 1. This has straight up lies in it. You have much to learn if you think all cannabis strains are the same, and the only differential is handling/curing/drying after harvest. Not only are there millions of strains, each with a unique THC percentage, but THERE IS strains that are shit to begin with. Not just that, commercial bud like schwag usually has great genetics. The reason schwag is schwag, is because the commercial growers don't separate the males, and every female becomes pollinated as soon as it's growing it's first pistils. Since every plant is hermi'd, the plant doesn't even come close to being half as potent as it could be, in a sensimilla crop. There is a decent amount lost in handling, but that's not even worth complaining about. You could take a White Widow, let it herm, and the bud wouldn't come close to a Durban Poison sensi crop.
Firstly, I didn't suggest that anyone use MG (even though I use it exclusively and with good results). I merely stated that its what I use. My actual advice given for nutrients was to use a veg nute for the veg stage and a flower nute for the flowering stage... and I explained why.

Secondly, I never said that all strains are equal. What I said was that there are no shitty strains. They all have potential to be tasty and they will all get you good and high as long as they are handled properly after they are grown... and I stand by my thoughts on that. I agree with you all that there are strains that are more potent than others. I've been doing this for years. I have grown lots of different strains (they all came from bags). Never have I seen a plant that was shwag. I've even taken seeds from brown, stringy, crusty shit that smelled like an old barn... and the resulting harvest was some of the best bud I've ever smoked. Until I see a plant that is actually producing shitty weed, i will continue to believe that there are no "shitty" strains out there.

You disagree. Thats fine... but you can be respectful about it. No need in calling me a liar and using other unreasonably harsh remarks when responding to my grow tips. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
+rep for you!! I have always felt that most of what you said is true. Actually, it's ALL true. I just think that even tho CFLs will work, you'll get a bigger yeild out of HID lighting. But for personal use growing, you hit the nail on the head.
And the part about adding not to tell anyone about you growing, thats why they have Darwin Awards!!!

Miracle gro is fine, you just can't dose it according to the directions. (I burnt the fuck out of mine) My grow is from commercial bag seed/schwag, and I'll tell you straight up, the weed I grew is far and above better than the pot it came from. (OK, I cheated. I cut a lower branch early at 7 weeks, and dried it!!) We smoke it dried, and not cured, and I was tickled shitless with it. I cant wait to smoke some when it's gone the full time and cured properly!!


Well-Known Member
+rep for you!! I have always felt that most of what you said is true. Actually, it's ALL true. I just think that even tho CFLs will work, you'll get a bigger yeild out of HID lighting. But for personal use growing, you hit the nail on the head.
And the part about adding not to tell anyone about you growing, thats why they have Darwin Awards!!!
Thank you for your reps and your comments. :bigjoint:


New Member
I use Miracle Grow. It's not a problem if you build up slowly and flush really well.

I'm using the rose food 18-24-16 for flowering right now.

Don't forget your Superthrive either!


Active Member
Im giving rep points, Thanks for the help. But I do have some nutes questions. When you say flush with 3 wks left I just use reg water without nutes to flush? Just regular amount of water or till it comes out of the bottom of the pots? How do I know I have 3wks left. Ive been vegging for like 8 wks now and have lots of buds but not very big full buds, is that cause I didnot use nute?
And If anyone who thinks the MG nutes suck can give alternatives that i dont have to get from the HYDRo store ( I dont trust going to one) please let us know.

And as for the neg feedback, just let the haters hate. You'll find alot of people think there way is the only "good" know like the Nazi's.

I am amazed at how neagtive some on this site are, even if you dissagree with the man you could be a bit nicer and have a discussion to find the best info, not jump all over him for trying to help.

lol...dont sweat the small stuff....


Well-Known Member
Im giving rep points, Thanks for the help. But I do have some nutes questions. When you say flush with 3 wks left I just use reg water without nutes to flush? Just regular amount of water or till it comes out of the bottom of the pots? How do I know I have 3wks left. Ive been vegging for like 8 wks now and have lots of buds but not very big full buds, is that cause I didnot use nute?
And If anyone who thinks the MG nutes suck can give alternatives that i dont have to get from the HYDRo store ( I dont trust going to one) please let us know.

And as for the neg feedback, just let the haters hate. You'll find alot of people think there way is the only "good" know like the Nazi's.

I am amazed at how neagtive some on this site are, even if you dissagree with the man you could be a bit nicer and have a discussion to find the best info, not jump all over him for trying to help.

lol...dont sweat the small stuff....
Yes, flushing means to use pure water and lots of it. Allow at least a gallon of water to come out of the bottom of the pot (but this really depends on how big your pot is).

You can tell when its almost time to harvest by looking closely at your flowers and at the Trichomes (the crystals on the flowers and the leaves surrounding the buds. When its time to harvest, about 75% of your hairs (pistils) will be brown... and your Trichomes will be larger, standing straight up and the ball on the tip will be clear (and/or amber in color). You should use a magnifying class or a jeweler's loop to inspect the Trichomes. When it looks like its almost time, stop giving nutes and flush.

Yes, the reason for your small buds could be due to not giving nutes... but also could be due to other conditions (like your lighting).

Thanks for the reps and for your kind words.


Well-Known Member
any strain specifically? or just bag schwag?
Its from bag... but its not shwag. Don't know what you call shwag... but to me, shwag means shit weed. The pot I buy isn't shit. Its decent. It smells skunky and gets us very stoned. Although, its not the highest quality... but thats not due to the strain. Its due to the handling after harvest. I've grown it in the past and the finished product was absolutely excellent. I'd really like to know what strain it is. I've asked my dealer... but she doesn't know. I'm thinking its part skunk and part something fruity.


Well-Known Member
i think i actually gave you rep for having such a nice avatar too haha...i dont remember doing it though.

haha epic boobs. i hope i see you post more often now