GrowTent 250w MH/HPS unknown strain


fellow growers !!
first off,let me say I'm from out of the states,so do forgive me if my knowledge of English is a bit 'off'
I'll try to do my best to compensate that somehow...
Anyways,after some outdoor exp(and by that I mean the ol' 'drop-a-seed-n'-comeback-in-a-couple-of-months') where I've had my 'ups' and 'downs',
i finally decided to go 'indoor':mrgreen:
So,I ordered and assembled grow tent,found some very,very nice weed of a corner 'Santa Clause'(hence the 'unknown strain' in title),and decided to
atleast learn from this all...and then I'll probably go for 'caramelicious' or 'skunk no1'

enough with the b.s.
here are the facts-
grow tent- 100cm X 100cm X 180cm totally covered in 'mylar'

light- 250w MH 18/6 off the start,then switching to 250w HPS in flowering stage (and I know what you all will probably say,but not my fault really...they sent me those,and on their site it says nothing about the lamps,so I figured 'bah,they sell growing gear,ofc they'll send me 400w' BUT- 250w is what I got....can't complain,i'm lucky it even got here...)...maybe adding some CFL's or another 250w in flowering..

soil- klassmann's potgrond H NPK 14-16-18 plus microel. 1/3 perlit added grow bags (3 gallon)

ventilation- dospell 150mm intake(and circulation) and dospell 120mm outake(planning to switch their places in flowering,and possibly add one more IF the temperature starts to be an issue(so far it isn't)

here are some pictures of the grow tent and some early stages of the plants(as you can see I started with 6,hoping to LST and crop out the possible males,and go for maybe 3 fem's all the way..)

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conditions are great so far,temperature is around 24-29C and humidity is around 46-50%(last couple of nights,as I have placed the fans into a timer as well to go off during the night,humidity went up to 68%),and the plants have been watered reg. with only ONE nutrient feed(some greek fertilizer 20-9-27),and lot's of H2O2 treat as well( every 2nd or 3rd watering).today is their 19th day (off the showing from the seed),and they are doing least i think so
(one was 'lagging' so I pulled it out -5 left)

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picture taken yesterday,as you can see,well into the LST.the MH bulb is aprox. 30-35cm off the top of the plants...PH checked...and I guess that about covers it...
also,sorry about the bad photo,taken by cell phone,I am hoping to find my camera soon,at least untill the next update...

any info and suggestion is highly appreciated.please do correct me if you have some info about something I might be doing wrong,i was generally hoping to solve this 250w on a 100cm X 100cm problem...but someone told me i should just wait untill the flowering stage then add some more lumens...
here's one close up,pic taken 3 days ago

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great website btw:clap:


Active Member
They look like they're doing great, don't knock the 250. It may not have the power to penetrate/cover a huge area, but you can set it right on top of the plant with proper ventilation =) keep it up


little update-not as if anyone cares,I guess,but what the hell xD
so,down to 4 plants(1 of them turned out to be male,showed me some balls in preflowering)
here's the male,damn fine plant...too bad...

and a group photo mid-vegetation stage(still 5 of them here,few days after this was shot,I got the 'finger')

and,a group photo,taken few days ago-after 40 days of 'vege' I switched to 12/12 HPS,and waiting for those pistils...

babies are doing fine,I had an issue with the soil's PH,but one decent flush straighted that one right out..

better photo's to come soon...these ones are taken by cell phone(with the exception of mid-vege group photo)
cheers all !


girls are doing great,another male knocked out so- 3 left.
pistils are visible,so I'm guessin' it's time to start the countdown,
here's a photo, couple of days ago-

as you can see,I've done a stupid,stupid thing....tried to LST the top cola on one of 'em,but I screwed it up,hopefully it will recover...there you have it my first unintentional supercrop..

untill the next update,peace out all !


Active Member
They look good man, I'm sure that one will recover. They're super resilient. And people care about the updates, just too stoned most of the time to comment on them lol


tx guys...
gotta say,I'm using this 'organic bacterial fertilizer',that can only be found here,in my country,it's been created especially for plants(concieved by prof. dr. Snezana Dj. from the 'agricultural faculty),and it DOES's full of bacterial cultures that cling itselves to root structure,and feed off the salts and other junk from the root itself,while at the same time(the bacterias are from the 'nitrofixators' family) providing the root with O2 and all the NPK it can's remarkable,the change in plants,after I treat them with this 'stew',it's almost like it's a different plant...vigorous growth,nice colour...i'll post the exact picture of it,with some more info..
anyways,thanx for the input,catch you later on..


@rollmensmokeme-tx bro'...from your lips to Jah's ears....can't wait either,it's effin' hard when you go there every day,and watch the changes....time slows to a frikkin' standstill..

@ MrTokenPuff-I'm not sure if i translated this correctly,but it's called "SLAVOL" and it consists of some microbacterial cultures,that do all those neat things i described earlier...anyways,my feeding schedule looks like this -feeding mix(water ph 6,5/slavol/blooming fert),then just water/slavol,then just water/h2o2.i water them every 4-5 days,unless i flushed...then i'd wait a bit longer..
now,this changes now and then,sometimes i flush(already did 2-3 times during this grow),sometimes i leave out the blooming fert....
like all,I'm just watching the babies,and figuring out what they need atm..
here's a pic of my secret weapon-

this 'plantella' blooming fert is ok,but i was hoping to go with 'hesi',the only problem is MONEY.I'm out...but hopefully, I'm gonna go with 'PK plus'.....SOON xD
seriously guys,all my life i wanted to grow organic,but just can't seem to find decent mixes here(well,unless i go to countryside,and ask them to make me-which IS a sort of pain in the...belly),and this 'slavol' is something really's not a fert,mind you,it's a organic compost that helps out with dispersing salts and junk,while at the same time providing better NPK intake....wicked,I tell you....
now,next time I'll be way more prepared,and I'll join the organic club...but for now,don't hate me and try to propel me to a right direction. 'tis my first grow indoor after all(not that those outdoors were any good)

cheers all !

edit- few questions
I'm not seeing any magnesium def.,but I was thinking of adding 'epsom' - just preemptive sort o' Y or N ??(the soil I'm using is rich in el. and micro el.,but I'm guessing it's already been eaten by the plants,and the blooming fert I'm using has NO mg in it)

my temperature is in the 20c-25c range.Now people here(in my country) mostly say that I should aim for the 25c-30c,but I found out here(on this site) that my range is,without trying to tell who is right,I'm just wondering,if anyone has had some expirience with low temperatures during the winter('cuz I heard that it reduces the yield,but the buds gain heavily on thickness,during the winter grow),and should I leave the room where my grow tent is unheated(it's a bit complicated for me to heat that place),or should I go for some sort of heater? the diff. between the day and night cycle is not more than 7 degrees,but the winter is would like to hear your ideas.....I've read somewhere that plants can take as low as 10c during the night cycle,but I'm not too keen on going that low....
and I'm also not too excited about using heaters(dry air,elec. on),so I'm looking for some solution(I found somewhere on the net some people are using ordinary bulbs,painted black,so it just throws the heat around,without the lights-is this doable?)


here's some photo update,with decent camera this time

still w8in' on info on those questions i asked earlier..
untill the next update
peace out!


well,that's it....
the entire grow lasted exactly 118 days
the girls went for 48h darkness

catch u later with a detailed smoke report!