Growth questions.


Active Member
I’m a new grower and want to know how I’m doing. Does the plant look healthy or do I need some nutrients. I picked the wrong strain for a newbie.


Well-Known Member
She looks ready to start her nutrient regiment to me. I'd have probably started a week ago by the pic.

Planting medium is a major factor, what is she planted in?


Active Member
She looks ready to start her nutrient regiment to me. I'd have probably started a week ago by the pic.

Planting medium is a major factor, what is she planted in?
She looks ready to start her nutrient regiment to me. I'd have probably started a week ago by the pic.

Planting medium is a major factor, what is she planted in?
FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil Organic Mix with CaliSuperSoil "Hot Soil".
Which nutrient regiment? I was thinking about lotus nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Yeah just start light. Maybe 50% recommended doses, if that heavy. There are still nutes in there but, you are at the point of needing to supplement what was there.

I use General Hydroponics Flora trio but I'm DWC. So I wouldn't suggest using these but I believe FF has their own line of nutes grow big, big bloom, and tiger's blood I think.