growth rates


Active Member
Now this is not fully an experienced grow question however I figure only people serious about results use mh/hps lights. My question is how significant is the growth rate going to accelerate with say a 400w mh as apposed to a 10k lumen cfl grow? I'm fully aware of the fact that an mh light puts out well over 3 x re amount of lumens but will it be able to make full use of that or will it be more beneficial to grow more than 2-3 to take full advantage of the light?
Also I'm going to assume you can't use an mh in a closet grow huh

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The MHs do create a lot of heat. When I switched over from Flourescent to MH for veg I was awestruck at the difference. Flouros are great (I used t-5s) and I used then for 2 years before taking the plunge. I have never regretted it. If you can manage the ventilation and heat - that is the way to go.


Active Member
It is a little like asking how blue the sky is,,, it is a hard question to answer..... the HID lighting and the high intenisitis really beneficial during the blooming stage.... you can veg quite nicely with CFL.s and LED's . But eh blooms need all the light you can give them... also make sure your water, nutes and vents are dialed in also...:peace:


Active Member
very much appreciated :)
At the current time I'm still very much undecided. I know I would love to switch over to mh but I'm not sure how well I'll be able to handle the heat. Think a small 12' floor fan on the ground would be enough if I angle it upwards so it's cooling up towarda the light and the majority of the plants?
Also would an MH help somewhat with flowerig time seeig as how the plants would get more light/energy compared to my cfls?
My original thoughts arethat it would slightly.

Also I wanted to mention that it is scientifically proven that if you were to trick a chicken onto thinking days were 28hours long they would lay eggs much bigger and stronger.. So instead of 12/12 go with 14/14 ;)


Well-Known Member
Also I wanted to mention that it is scientifically proven that if you were to trick a chicken onto thinking days were 28hours long they would lay eggs much bigger and stronger.. So instead of 12/12 go with 14/14 ;)
wow.. you know what.. thats a very interesting idea... hmmm.. i think i might give that a try for my next grow... and see how it works and see if it makes a difference... it would make sense... i feel like setting a timer for the lights would be kinda tricky tho...?? probaly have to get 2 seperate timers.. and set them each differently and have to switch the plugs (of the lights) into the other outlet once a day...... not sure if that made sense.. lol.. but if it could work i bet it would produce more/bigger buds...


Active Member
similarly, if you use 12/6 and 6/12 for 18 hours days you'd see them adapt to the light cycle and make full use of the hours of light efficiently. Reported higher yields and faster growth *shrugs*


Active Member
I'm in the middle of doing 14/14 right now. I have grown this strain at least 7-8x prior and so I will get a pretty good idea how relative that is to herbs :)
I was reading a book of useless facts and when I read that about the chickens I imediately thought to implement that in with my grows lol.

This is the best damn hobby ever and the pay off is way better than a stupid model air plane or something :p


Well-Known Member
You do realize this kind of experimentation can cause hermies, if it flowers at all.


WOW!! love the out-of-the-box thinking... a friend approached me trying to get me to go with 6on 6off 6on 6off and I was like WTF? have you ever heard of someone trying that?


Well-Known Member
Extremely unlikely. Besides I'm already day 8 into flower and SHE looks great.
ooo this is going to be exciting, after decades of photo period manipulation experiments by Botanists and Expert MJ growers you will be blazing a new path. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
oh right and those 'facts' are coming from the same people who told you it won't bud at all right?


Well-Known Member
no, from my own trials along with studying others mistakes.

I learned light stress esp. going outside the plants internal day clock CAN cause plants to hermaphedite . I said this is a realistic possibility.

you said it was unlikely, what are you basing that on? I have personal experience that can save you from potentially having your plant go hermie.

I am using 11/13 now myself so I am all about experimenting.


Active Member
I'm basing it in scientific facts. Just about anything can cause a plant to go hermie anyways. If a plantdoesnt know how long a day is which it doesn't than it'll be fine. If from day one you thought days were 36 hours long than that's what you would believe and adapt to

Bob Saget

Active Member
Plants have circadian rhythms engraved over millions of years of evolution. It's going to know something isn't right.
I have used 10/14 many times to speed bud up. No hermies ever :) but who knows about the much wierder cycles.

I do know that if you dont have your light cycle on a steady routine (switching it up alot cuz you dont got a timer) hermies are likely.



Well-Known Member
24 hours a day seems popular with the bubbleponics crowd. Oh yeah, I was able to get a 400w in my closet with reasonable temperatures. Just cut a hole in the ceiling, used some 6" duct and have a $10 clip on fan cooling it. Works sufficiently believe it or not.


Well-Known Member
I'm basing it in scientific facts. Just about anything can cause a plant to go hermie anyways. If a plantdoesnt know how long a day is which it doesn't than it'll be fine. If from day one you thought days were 36 hours long than that's what you would believe and adapt to

Sorry that is completely wrong. There are processes at the cellular level that are predetermined in plants and humans.

Every few months we get a poster that is going to somehow improve his yields by photo period manipulation.

Nothing you do aside from scrog is going to make up for the lack of lighting you have.

I would love to be proved wrong, so when those flowers do come please post a photo.


Active Member
They are coming in beautifully have no camera otherwise I would post. Dot believe me that's your perogative. Try it yourself and eat your own words. Anything produced by evolution will evolve and do what necessary to achieve it's life goals.
What your saying would mean these chickens that layed these larger eggs was just by fluke and randomly that batch off egg producers just so happened to have larger eggs for no reason?
You got a problem with being wrong you shouldn't speak so much or learn to research what your blabbin on about


Well-Known Member
no, from my own trials along with studying others mistakes.

I learned light stress esp. going outside the plants internal day clock CAN cause plants to hermaphedite . I said this is a realistic possibility.

you said it was unlikely, what are you basing that on? I have personal experience that can save you from potentially having your plant go hermie.

I am using 11/13 now myself so I am all about experimenting.
plants flower at 14/10 of light cause that what sunlight flowers at.

you should get bigger plant supposedly following a 14/10 light scheadule but heard they take longer to flower cause of that light period which sounds tight cause outdoor grows take longer to finish flowering

just a heads up i may be wrong in everytihng i wrote but think about it