growth stunt


plants been like this for a couple of weeks, slight yellow on new/upper leaves
planted in a MG moisture control, minuscule amount of clay, vermiculite, and some potting soil
just flushed it just in case of nute burn or salt build up

the small one the problem plant and the larger one was planted at the same time with same mixture of grow medium



Well-Known Member
Why clay? that's not an ideal draning medium. If you've read a lot of forums you'd see that there's not much to be said abt.MG soil. You should have a mixture of good potting soil and perlight for drainage. If your soil is too compact the roots have a hard time to spread and grow, thus you have stunted growth.


Well-Known Member
yea .. repot .. in good fresh light soil .. water less .. and I bet some N. would do em good .. but with new bigger pots and fresh soil I bet it will be weeks before that is nesseary ..

but Im sure some more room would get em back to growing agin ..