

Well-Known Member
here's where it started kiddos! Neil Young & Blue Cheer notwithstanding, these guys invented Grunge...


in case you don't know, the skinny guy in the Mickey shirt is Stone Gossard. the chick on bass in the pirate shirt with the shoulder pads is Jeff Ament, both later of Pearl Jam infamy. Lead singer is Mark Arm of Mudhoney and the dude hiding in the wings on the left is Steve Turner, also of Mudhoney.



Well-Known Member
more goodness from the originals... this song makes chicks wanna fuck for some reason...


Well-Known Member
not a personal fave but they must be included in any intelligent thread on Grunge History, and they gave us Matt Lukin of Mudhoney!


Well-Known Member
more pioneers of the format. these guys are why flannel was cool for a while.


Well-Known Member

the best band from Seattle you've never heard: Swallow.


Well-Known Member
Tacoma WA badasses; SEAWEED!!! buddys of mine too! :)


Well-Known Member
best SubPop band not from the pacnorwest; The Fluid, from Boulder CO


Well-Known Member
Tad. nuff said.


Well-Known Member
yay old AIC





Well-Known Member
Yeah, I knew those jokers would make their way onto this thread... AIC is actually a hesh band that moved to Seattle to cash in on the trend. Mission Accomplished, but there's far better true examples of the genre. and Layne was a cat person. to his detriment... reason #48 why i hate cats.


Well-Known Member
these chicks rock way harder than AIC


bud bootlegger

i know i put this in the punk thread, but it really belongs here...


Well-Known Member
AAALLLLLLLready! hence this thread. But Mudhoney are really a punk band; ask em, they'll tell ya the same thing. By far my personal favorite out of the whole grunge scene was these guys.[video=youtube;Qp7P_S3AipI][/video]


Well-Known Member
probably my favorite song by them... gut wrenching shit if you've ever been in love with a junkie.


bud bootlegger

come on, neil has to be one of the fathers of modern day grunge, and this song is a good example of it.. this is southern man, fuck, i think southern man is more rocking.. god damn decisions..


Well-Known Member
AHAHAHAHA you beat me to the L7 punch, Racer![video=youtube;YBAbH_ZCzN0][/video]

Down at the creek, smokin pot
eats the rest so she don't get caught
blows M80s off in the halls
got so much clit she don't need no balls



bud bootlegger
probably my favorite song by them... gut wrenching shit if you've ever been in love with a junkie.
well, i do think i love myself, lol.. but ive got ten years clean off of :) but still picking up what your putting down, lol..


Well-Known Member
wow... ten years; dude that's bad ass. real talk. don't take it for granted. I did & woke up 20 years later in a really fucked up life. been off methadone just over a year now & off dope entirely since thanksgiving before last. Jah & my Wife to thank for that.


bud bootlegger
yah, well i'm still on methadone, but what can you do.. i'm on a low dose of 40 mg's, but i would like to get off of that shit soon too.. i'm a lil nervous though tbh as i'm doing sosoo good and i really don't want to go back out and use heroin ever again, so i'm quite aprehensive about coming completely off of it.. idk, one day..