Grumpy Stoners - Fun!


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure Urban scared umm off I dont know what beef those guys got...So your afraid of the new breed of stoner that will spring from the legalization of pot?


bud bootlegger
Im pretty sure Urban scared umm off I dont know what beef those guys got...So your afraid of the new breed of stoner that will spring from the legalization of pot?
you know people like to lurk for sometime,befor they post.....

and yup,without the stigma...more people will grow/smoke...good or bad..we will have to wait and see.
i'm not afraid of anyone per se, it's just that i'm a bit hesitant to see what happens to the scene, if you will..
i've been in at the ground floor for many, many things over the years.. i used to be a skate rat in the 80's, ,and followed home from school by jocks in cars, yelling out the windows, skate or die.. now skate boarding is huge.. umm, been to some of the earliest raves on the east coast. now i see pix of new skool ravers where the girls wear bikinis and these fugly boots that i just don't understand..
i hate to sound like an old fart, but maybe that's exactly what i am, and some days i find myself missing the old days of many different things, it'll be sad if that also happens with weed..

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
WOW. I did not expect such insightful and amazingly well structures responses.

I have a lot to think about now. I will give this all a read again and formulate a good reply.

Racer you are a legend Sir!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
i'm not afraid of anyone per se, it's just that i'm a bit hesitant to see what happens to the scene, if you will..
i've been in at the ground floor for many, many things over the years.. i used to be a skate rat in the 80's, ,and followed home from school by jocks in cars, yelling out the windows, skate or die.. now skate boarding is huge.. umm, been to some of the earliest raves on the east coast. now i see pix of new skool ravers where the girls wear bikinis and these fugly boots that i just don't understand..
i hate to sound like an old fart, but maybe that's exactly what i am, and some days i find myself missing the old days of many different things, it'll be sad if that also happens with weed..
THIS. Almost broke my heart... I share your fears for the same reasons... I was a Rave DJ saw it all happen from inside... Remarkable to see these concerns shared.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
That's my whole point. Being sober just sucks. But getting nice and stoned, well now, that just solves about 99 percent of it.

I might have figured it out though. I do not drink often, but last night I decided to get out some sherry (it is REALLY cold here). Hit a bong after a little glass. Man, I can tell you I wasn't very happy for a little while there. They just don't mix.

Muahahahahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I would love to be armed with one of these. The shit you can get away with. It is like a prankster's skeleton key...
Like Ozzy says "sobriety sucks".


mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I've bin smoking for 12 years! honestly smoking at the very least a half eight everyday...I've bin a medical marijuana patient for 3 years and I'm pretty awesome! It's great if your into growing your own weed great strain selection in cali... today I got a two foot clone and two 1 footers for 40 bucks! Imo the type of people that racer boy described just suck in general it has nothing to do with medical marijuana.....

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
I've bin smoking for 12 years! honestly smoking at the very least a half eight everyday...I've bin a medical marijuana patient for 3 years and I'm pretty awesome! It's great if your into growing your own weed great strain selection in cali... today I got a two foot clone and two 1 footers for 40 bucks! Imo the type of people that racer boy described just suck in general it has nothing to do with medical marijuana.....
The point is new people, who never ever smoked before, trying pot for the first time.
and this is a lot of shit in the fan much less with big pharma stepping in and more govt up our asses.

MMJ or recreational should all be the same, decriminalised.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
It seems like these new people trying pot have always bin around.. u guys didn't know them because u guys were to cool for school I get it! But believe me these assholes have always bin here...The Internet and media are the reason you are now just chilling with these stuck up stoners in your living room...back in the day you would avoid them now you cant!..yea it should be decriminalized!

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
It seems like these new people trying pot have always bin around.. u guys didn't know them because u guys were to cool for school I get it! But believe me these assholes have always bin here...The Internet and media are the reason you are now just chilling with these stuck up stoners in your living room...back in the day you would avoid them now you cant!..yea it should be decriminalized!
"New ones come as the old ones go."

That will always be a good thing.
But I'm scared of the idiots that will think MMJ is a 'cure all' drug or blame it on accidents or failures they have.
All and all there will be a lot more law involved and of course money.

Pot should be left alone.

Use it to your own discretion, like hot peppers.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
It seems like these new people trying pot have always bin around.. u guys didn't know them because u guys were to cool for school I get it! But believe me these assholes have always bin here...The Internet and media are the reason you are now just chilling with these stuck up stoners in your living room...back in the day you would avoid them now you cant!..yea it should be decriminalized!
After some careful consideration of all that has been said, I was going to come and say something along a very similar vein. I guess that as the world of cannabis opens up, so do the social circles. Before we would be pretty careful about the company we keep, and with online canna forums I for one walked in with the assumption that it will be like an extension of the bong-circle in the lounge. In reality, the problem is not all of a sudden there are a LOT of personalities around that mine does not gel with, it is that I am making contact with them out of my own free will.

So I guess it boils down to my own choices. Adapt or lurk. Which translates to learning better ways to deal with confrontation, rather than sitting back being astounded at what I am reading. One does kinda have a choice as to who you communicate with. Mr Sunshine is right, you can't avoid it and still actively be part of the culture. You can, however, harness the mighty Cold Shoulder. Ignoring something is the easiest road I guess.

I do get Racer's point totally. I for one do not deal with your average human very easily, and I did enjoy canna culture a lot more when it was kinda exclusive. Yeah I guess I am an elitist about it. BUT, the culture is not within my control, my interaction with it is.

Urban, I was not baiting anybody lol... You know me I go the DIRECT route. Name by name and put it out there up front and in front of everybody. Undercurrents are not something I enjoy nor put out in the world. This is actually something that has been tickling my synapses for quite some time. I am bi-polar, one of the ways in which I manage this illness is by gaining perspective from other people. When I am not certain whether it is intellect or emotion doing my thinking for me, putting a question out there is the most sure-fire way to get back on solid ground. I then act in a way relative to the common consensus. Online communities are brilliant for that.

I really found a lot of help from everybody's responses, for one thing it is good to know it is not an experience unique to myself, but mostly it is great to see people have considered it to a much deeper degree than I and managed to make some sense out of it.

I thank each and every one of you.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
"New ones come as the old ones go."

That will always be a good thing.
But I'm scared of the idiots that will think MMJ is a 'cure all' drug or blame it on accidents or failures they have.
All and all there will be a lot more law involved and of course money.

Pot should be left alone.

Use it to your own discretion, like hot peppers.
AGREED. I think it is a BRILLIANT supportive therapy. The biggest benefit is getting people back in a positive state of mind, nobody heals well when you feel like you want to die. But I am wary of people promoting it as a cure-all. It can help, and with the right advice and support it can help a LOT. But medical science has advanced a lot further than canna science at this point. I would personally still place my faith in my surgeon for serious illness.


Well-Known Member
i know i'll get a bunch of shit for this post, but i blame it on mmj... before mmj, all stoners were pretty much the same, laid back, cool headed people, usually with more in common then just weed, be it music, a certain moral code, w/e, call it the underground if you will...
with the advent of mmj, soo many people who had never smoked weed in their lives, nor have they ever been around other people who smoke, started smoking, and know lil to nothing about how most people who smoke act and behave, nor do they gaf about the underground, or any of the other things most pot heads had in common aside from weed..
flame suit on, but that's my story, and i'm sticking to it..
idk if things will get any better being states legalized or if they'll get worse, i'll have to wait and see..
when things were illegal, it'd usually take a certain type of person to say fuck that stupid law is retarded, and if i wanna get high, i'll get high regardless of the law... call it the outlaw if you will.. same for people who grew when they knew it wasn't legal.. idk what will happen when anyone can pick up and smoke and not have to be a so called out law if you will, my fear is it will be more of the mmj people, but i could be wrong..
am i even making any sense, or am i making an idiot of myself? lol..
I don't know where I qualify: smoked it before there was even the term "medical marijuana" but quit for 20 years, took it back up recently (WITH an mmj card) b/c I couldn't get it any other way…

Sorry RB, I think I may be on your shit list ;-p. I didn't re-visit bud until it became "legal" here in WA. I simply had been out of the loop for years and had no other source to get any.
As for the legalization for recreational use, I do agree with you: I think we will see a bunch of Yuppie stoner types (posers I guess) but I can't throw a stone b/c according to your posts I probably qualify as a poser myself.

No worries, Not offended, it is what it is. I like to smoke weed and that's that. (I get what you're putting' down though) :-)


Well-Known Member
Honestly, the first hint i got that the world had taken a sidestep was when 'weeds' appeared on netflix. Product placement in extremis, but not for coca-cola. Then i found out those crazy yanks were selling it over the counter to anybody with a corrupt doctor (or indeed those who it helps), and amsterdam had been usurped by entire states as the place to go smoke.... the longer i hang out On riu and the more i read, the more baffled i am. I'm not even sure if i'd want it to become legal here. Decriminalised, maybe... nah. Leave it alone, i don't mind being THAT kind of criminal.


bud bootlegger
Last thing I want here is legal weed. It is a huge cockup.
i have mixed feeling mad.. i've been arrested, twice even, for less then a gram of bud each time, and have spent a few hours in jail for it both times. now, of course i think it's beyond retarded to spend a second in jail for simple small possession charges, so on that hand, i'm all for legalization.
on the other hand, i'm afraid to see what it will do the "scene" if you will..

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Yeah a bust costs money too.. I have a good lawyer, and he knows how good he is so yeah he eats well lol.

My country has enough to keep law enforcement really busy. A tolerance policy makes sense to me, allow enforcement to manage their own resources and I bet cannabis will be largely left alone. Our law is based on Dutch law. I do not understand why Dutch law was enough up to tolerance and not good enough on that one point. The human rights courts still sit in Holland.

What is going to happen in med states and legal states and countries is the culture will fractalize and split into small elitist groups as it did with Rock, Disco, Rave, skating, surfing, and every other 'scene' that exploded out if the underground.

United we stood for something, divided we fall for a lot of BS.