GTA V might have some competition !! Watchdogs !


Well-Known Member
I'm getting both I don't care :clap:



Active Member
ill end up buying both, have to get them for the collection.
Just add them to the stack plastic still intact lol Then one day when im bored ill bust them out.


Well-Known Member
Seems to me whenever these wanna-be GTA games come out, there's always something that just, isn't quite right. Sure they can be fun as fuck, but, for me I can never sit and play them for hours on end with no goal in mind, just running around, being a menace to society.


Active Member
yeah, the biggest downside to all gta games is 90% of the game is driving accross town to make it to a destination before the time runs out.
Hope this one is a bit better and get rid of all those stupid ass races. ITS NOT a racing game.


Well-Known Member
nobodys fucking wit rockstars open world games there the masters at that i would still cop that thou it looks alright