Guccifer celebrates WikiLeaks 10th with Clinton Foundation hack release


When someone takes a inch legally the world is coming down. (Trump ) When someone takes a mile, (Hillary) its normal.. Sad when only thing they got is so Called tax evasion ?? yet for a person being in such a spotlight. that would be any person ????
You would think IRS would be down his throat in a heart beat..
How long you think you can get away with ?? with out paying taxes 2 years ?? max personal tax
Now talking multi million of dollar corporate tax ?? not even 6 months shit you do not pay your quarterly taxes and your in shit ...

Sex tape who cares what a person does behind closed doors when there not a president
but its OK for a president to get some head in the ovary office ???
Sickening realy

It blows me away how anyone that would vote for Hillary is beyond stupid .
When Obama threw her a bone for Sectary of state she was a good dog that took it, Needless to say.
Like any old Dog, eventually her legs gave out ,pretty much the same as Hillary .
she did not even finish the term had to step down.. why is that ??

For being here on this site a short time, i would not even worry about what Uncle buck or testicles have to say.
These so called members of RIU break forum rules on a daily basis ,And still allowed to run around and do so. by name calling de meaning members etc..
Obviously staff are blind to the facts

Voting is soon lets see what really happens My guess , there is going to be lots of Kleenex for Hillary
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Well-Known Member
When someone takes a inch legally the world is coming down. (Trump ) When someone takes a mile, (Hillary) its normal.. Sad when only thing they got is so Called tax evasion ?? yet for a person being in such a spotlight. that would be any person ????
You would think IRA would be down his throat in a heart beat..
How long you think you can get away with ?? with out paying taxes 2 years ?? max personal tax
Now talking multi million of dollar corporate tax ?? not even 6 months shit you do not pay your quarterly taxes and your in shit ...

Sex tape who cares what a person does behind closed doors when there not a president
but its OK for a president to get some head in the ovary office ???
Sickening realy

It blows me away how anyone that would vote for Hillary is beyond stupid .
When Obama threw her a bone for Sectary of state she was a good dog that took it, Needless to say.
Like any old Dog, eventually her legs gave out ,pretty much the same as Hillary .
she did not even finish the term had to step down..

For being here on this site a short time, i would not even worry about what Uncle buck or testicles have to say.
These so called members of RIU break forum rules on a daily basis ,And still allowed to run around and do so. by name calling de meaning members etc..
Obviously staff are blind to the facts
if you need a shoulder to cry on, i am here for you.


Well-Known Member
Fucking goddamn Jew overlords
If the owners of those corp. happen to be Jewish, then yeah, Fuck 'em!

But I don't think any one nationality has the corner on evil, though certain political and religious sects do seem to concentrate it in their adherents.
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Well-Known Member
When someone takes a inch legally the world is coming down. (Trump ) When someone takes a mile, (Hillary) its normal.. Sad when only thing they got is so Called tax evasion ?? yet for a person being in such a spotlight. that would be any person ????
You would think IRA would be down his throat in a heart beat..
How long you think you can get away with ?? with out paying taxes 2 years ?? max personal tax
Now talking multi million of dollar corporate tax ?? not even 6 months shit you do not pay your quarterly taxes and your in shit ...

Sex tape who cares what a person does behind closed doors when there not a president
but its OK for a president to get some head in the ovary office ???
Sickening realy

It blows me away how anyone that would vote for Hillary is beyond stupid .
When Obama threw her a bone for Sectary of state she was a good dog that took it, Needless to say.
Like any old Dog, eventually her legs gave out ,pretty much the same as Hillary .
she did not even finish the term had to step down.. why is that ??

For being here on this site a short time, i would not even worry about what Uncle buck or testicles have to say.
These so called members of RIU break forum rules on a daily basis ,And still allowed to run around and do so. by name calling de meaning members etc..
Obviously staff are blind to the facts

Voting is soon lets see what really happens My guess , there is going to be lots of Kleenex for Hillary
Actually, she did finish Obamas first term. There's nothing that says she must do both terms, unlike Sara Palin who left her job as Governor for bigger and better things.

As for Trump and the IRS..what he did was legal. He is the poster child for forced taxation of billionaires.

I don't know about you, but it seems that the billionaires in this country just decided one day to stop paying taxes..what would happen to you or I, if we stopped paying taxes?
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Well-Known Member
Actually, she did finish Obamas first term. There's nothing that says she must do both terms, unlike Sara Palin who left her job as Governor for bigger and better things.

As for Trump and the IRS..what he did was legal. He is the poster child for forced taxation of billionaires.

I don't know about you, but it seems that the billionaires in this country just decided one day to stop paying taxes..what would happen to you or I, if we stopped paying taxes?
You don't pay taxes at your job, at $8.50 an hour you probably get a net rebate.


Everyone pays taxes in some form or another if there is a loop hole in the system and some lawyer or accounted finds simply put there smart

Simply put painting the pot kettle black here page 17 of Hillbillies :) 2015 tax return



Well-Known Member
When someone takes a inch legally the world is coming down. (Trump ) When someone takes a mile, (Hillary) its normal.. Sad when only thing they got is so Called tax evasion ?? yet for a person being in such a spotlight. that would be any person ????
You would think IRA would be down his throat in a heart beat..
How long you think you can get away with ?? with out paying taxes 2 years ?? max personal tax
Now talking multi million of dollar corporate tax ?? not even 6 months shit you do not pay your quarterly taxes and your in shit ...

Sex tape who cares what a person does behind closed doors when there not a president
but its OK for a president to get some head in the ovary office ???
Sickening realy

It blows me away how anyone that would vote for Hillary is beyond stupid .
When Obama threw her a bone for Sectary of state she was a good dog that took it, Needless to say.
Like any old Dog, eventually her legs gave out ,pretty much the same as Hillary .
she did not even finish the term had to step down.. why is that ??

For being here on this site a short time, i would not even worry about what Uncle buck or testicles have to say.
These so called members of RIU break forum rules on a daily basis ,And still allowed to run around and do so. by name calling de meaning members etc..
Obviously staff are blind to the facts

Voting is soon lets see what really happens My guess , there is going to be lots of Kleenex for Hillary
Why the IRA? Comrade?


Well-Known Member
That explains so much.
6 corporations own 90% of major media outlets and you truly think they have the best interests of the citizen at heart?

Kool-aid is kool-aid no matter the size of the pitcher.
The fundamental error with your logic is that you're impotent to imagine others who aren't saddled with your crippling stupidity.

Whose stupid now motherfucker


Well-Known Member
When someone takes a inch legally the world is coming down. (Trump ) When someone takes a mile, (Hillary) its normal.. Sad when only thing they got is so Called tax evasion ?? yet for a person being in such a spotlight. that would be any person ????
You would think IRS would be down his throat in a heart beat..
How long you think you can get away with ?? with out paying taxes 2 years ?? max personal tax
Now talking multi million of dollar corporate tax ?? not even 6 months shit you do not pay your quarterly taxes and your in shit ...

Sex tape who cares what a person does behind closed doors when there not a president
but its OK for a president to get some head in the ovary office ???
Sickening realy

It blows me away how anyone that would vote for Hillary is beyond stupid .
When Obama threw her a bone for Sectary of state she was a good dog that took it, Needless to say.
Like any old Dog, eventually her legs gave out ,pretty much the same as Hillary .
she did not even finish the term had to step down.. why is that ??

For being here on this site a short time, i would not even worry about what Uncle buck or testicles have to say.
These so called members of RIU break forum rules on a daily basis ,And still allowed to run around and do so. by name calling de meaning members etc..
Obviously staff are blind to the facts

Voting is soon lets see what really happens My guess , there is going to be lots of Kleenex for Hillary
Dumber than fuck lout apes the drool of the common idiot.

Odds as of October 6 at Bovada

  • Hillary Clinton -333
  • Donald Trump +240

Chance of winning

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump



LOL either way If Clinton wins then USA deserves what is to Come She is about as Fake as the us economy
you keep looking at the stock market as the indicator of your economy is booming its just as Fake as you are.
Trump is big business he may be the only hope in bringing back companies that left USA to Europe and Mexico

Think about it , if times are so good why is it Sony is closing 20 of its 31 retail stores in USA i wonder why if times are so good why is the average american not buying a New TV or camera :)

If stock markets are doing so well ????

Now i agree Trump is not the best for the Job . But Dam to vote for a person that not before but after she was told to hand over emails she deleted them to me or anyone with right mind.. Would say is is not trust worthy , is not for the peoples but for her self.
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Well-Known Member
If the owners of those corp. happen to be Jewish, then yeah, Fuck 'em!

But I don't think any one nationality has the corner on evil, though certain political and religious sects do seem to concentrate it in their adherents.
yep, just recite every anti-semitic conspiracy you can and then claim you're not an anti-semite because you never actually said jew.

that'll work just as good as being a birther and insisting you are not racist.


Well-Known Member
yep, just recite every anti-semitic conspiracy you can and then claim you're not an anti-semite because you never actually said jew.

that'll work just as good as being a birther and insisting you are not racist.
Show me your 1099.


Well-Known Member
(check out sex tape)
You and the wife (be it male or female) made one?

Why don't you just post a link?

13-15 sec. of hot liberal negotiation of acquiescence and another 3-5 sec. of squooshy bits shouldn't make a file that's very big.


Well-Known Member
show me your balls
choomer the trump eunuch
You know, some say it's cowardly to use the ignore function of a site and they had convinced me of it too.

But after you see the same lame behavior for the 56th time you start to realize its merits.

See ya!

Oh, and good luck with that "Continually seeking knowledge - continually rejecting bull shit, lies & spin doctored propaganda and those locusts who spread it..." thing.....seems you've been doing great so far! ;)


Are you crazy?

His own business interests take jobs overseas.
No i am not crazy why do you think most businesses left ?? for there good looks or to make more money and pay less TAX,,
See the problem is you think they don't pay enough taxes right ??? and they should save you the burden of taxes or national debt by taking care of it ..

Tax the rich because they stole the money right ???
Hey its not your fault you were taught that way pass the buck or problem off to someone else in hopes they will take care of it ..

That has been you government for some time now they do not address the problem like there debt they keep pushing it forward,, borrow more money from federal reserve,,
But at the end of the day its just another nail in the Coffin

Its like buying a home and only paying the interest , Guess what the house will never be yours

But for your info because you say trump has followed other companies over seas etc . He is classified as a criminal ???

Any elementary student could probably tell you how USA operates its not for the greater good but its to rape, attack, steal , minerals and there resources from other nations.
If you do not comply there are few options embargo yup we will starve you , or threaten to invade, or just invade.

We cannot just invade a country we have to make it out like you did something bad so lets make up or do something like 911 .
This will make the people furious and on our side . whats a few thousand innocent american lives for the greater cause ??? Absolutely nothing .

all you are is really a social security number nothing more nothing less Death n taxes ..

In this day and age every penny counts when your running a business ot even trying to survive

Lets look at Hillary for a moment what do you think she is doing ??? or has done already you do realize she has been selling you out ??? and profiting from it .

Would that not be treason ?? and deserve a american made ropes happily donated by millions of patriotic citizens ..

So lets be realistic here is Trump selling off your minerals to not a Allie but the enemy ?? it appears Hillary and the Clinton foundation did ,, there is no denying that did you get a check in the mail from any sale ???
And you want her as president ??
WTF other things might she take away or steal from the American people ??? she is not for the best interest of You she is a filthy, as it comes .. let alone unhealthy and un fit to boot
And only worried about her self ,, Are you really that blind to see ?????

Wonder if she does take office think about Clinton foundation or Bill will be working out of the white house
Scary shit right there

You have a constitutional right to vote for whom ever you like please just think twice before you check off your vote :)

People like uncle buck use the raciest in every sentence sure Trump maybe raciest so is every person in the world in some way or form
If you think about it USA rubs shoulders and are allies with the worlds worst racial countries but that is ok ?
Why aren't you lining up at the white house and screaming that ? At the end of the day the campaign is coming to closure one or the other is going to win .
Just remember there not going to save you from the dollar crash

I am about to start selling tickets to the event ring side seats :)