guerilla grow sativa outdoor in california late august similar to 12/12 from seed?

Ok so i know i should have gotten some plants in the ground a few months ago, but im hoping since people grow 12/12 from seed all the time and the plant grows for a couple weeks and then matures and shows sex that i will get a similar situation. its still hot out and we've still been having 14-15 hour days, So i am hoping the plants will vedge for close to a month or so and then Bud out. nice and stealthy, maybee with some cool color change action from the cold. Also, this is going to be a guerilla grow and the soil is somewhat dry, any advice on this particular season and the best way to grow like this would be apreciated, i was planning on germinating the seeds and putting them in a little soil and then taking the young sprout to a spot digging so the dirt is airy and adding some good soil to it and growing, but that will get tedious with 17 plants all spread out across a forest. theres alot of nice green random plants in the area that seem to be thriving, can weed grow ok in semi dry conditions and crap soil or is it super picky?
I guess it all depends on the climate in your area. Most areas of the country, this would be unheard of, especially growing longer flowering sativas. If the weather is going to be nice into December you should be ok though.
ok cool. yeah we might get a little rain in between now and then. but we dont get frost or snow. it really doesn't even get that cold. Ill keep everyone updated and take pictures when i have everything goin to prove weather or not this can be done with any kind of successful turn out.