Guerilla growing tactics???


New Member
All i can say is this. Many people like hunters that like ganja may stumble across your plants and snatch them. Another factor is pulling over on the highway and getting out of your car. If a cop rolls up your done for, i would suggest finding a place close to home that you can walk to from your house, but find an isolated area where people dont walk by. Thats what i did and it worked out perfect.
ive been doing guerrilla grows for years now(read earlier in the thread)-the sprinkler idea is just small scale from the shit that we did the past few seasons-this is just a small project.anyway, theres no hunting allowed in my vicinity, and the plot mentioned is next to an apt complex-not sure if your understanding the idea-i wont have to be back there very much(hence the drip system....)


Well-Known Member
This guy has a creative f-ing idea! This is what we need people, creativeness. If we ever hope to overgrow the government we need people like this who think outside the box and come up with creative ass shit like this. Hats off to ya my broda for coming up with an idea that could potentially bring a few more pounds into the cause!!!!!!!


New Member
thanks bros. may do another guerrilla grow this indoor but nothing compares to planting outdoors this season?


Active Member
Bear with me please. I drive a lot everyday for work and have a ton of time to think about odd stuff. I also have started growing this year and am currently on my 3rd grow which is by far the best so far.
My question is this, what do you think about utilizing strips of land that are elevated from view in the middle of state highways? The only drawback I can think of is that they could be spotted by flyovers. Since they are in mostly rural areas in a state that has little to no budget to fly aircraft for this specific purpose and has no real outdoor growing epidemic, I figure if you placed 2-3 plants in several different locations you could get a reasonable harvest, have less chance of getting caught, almost zero chance of getting ripped, and a convenient way to see if you're being monitored and escape if needed.
Your thoughts if you please. :)
leave a wallet or a purse or something that would peak someones interest in the area you think would be suitable to grow in. if it disappears well. you have your answer.
for a few yrs i grew right under the flightpath of the local air port, i guess they were all to busy landing and taking of to be lookin for plants,lol


Well-Known Member
leave a wallet or a purse or something that would peak someones interest in the area you think would be suitable to grow in. if it disappears well. you have your answer.
for a few yrs i grew right under the flightpath of the local air port, i guess they were all to busy landing and taking of to be lookin for plants,lol
That is a very good idea for scouting out a decent location.


Well-Known Member
Just make sure you remember the exact spot where you put the wallet because if someone does pick the wallet up and finds nothing of value in it they are likely to throw it right back down on the ground.


Active Member
well either way if they find something of value in it there just gonna take it then throw the wallet... so ya remember the exact spot
when transporting your plants you obviously don't want to be caught with these things in your vehicle- some tips-

- Travel during the busiest times; you are less likely to stick out.

- Travel at or below the speed limit on city, residental or rural roads (unless everybody is driving fast on the highway- you don't want some cop pulling you over and saying you were too slow on the road); If someone behind you is in a hurry, don't drive faster or practice road rage- pull over to the side of the road calmly and let the bait pass. The bait will additionally act to your benefit, flushing out any police stops further down the road.

-Take the suburban roads less travelled.

-If you are pulled over, be calm, polite, intelligent: Know your rights and State your intentions clearly "The ID and insurance is in this folder, I am going to get it" Have your ID and insurance ready, in plain view, and in such a place that the officer won't get nervous about seeing you fumble around in the car storage box. Don't gripe: a traffic fine is better than years in jail.

-A fast, prepared excuse why you are on the road. Know your locations and your contacts.

-Well-hidden green cargo with obvious cargo, like camping or fishing gear on top.