Guerilla style bush


Well-Known Member
just curious to all the more experienced growers out there. If I was to plant more than one seed in a hole, do I need to be worried about anything else except the sexing? I want to grow as many plants as possible in the same hole- mainly because I have a few great spots that unfortunately arent that open. Ill be planting white widow bag seed (ues, it happens!), and the plants shouldnt kill each other since their the same strain. Ill be checking up on them every five days (is that enough to be able to spot the males and remove them in time btw?) just to see if I need to kill any more of the local wild life.

but before I go ahead Id like some advice from u guys.



Well-Known Member
They wont grow well with more than one per hole ,they will become too crowded.
optimum growth one per hole..:hump: