Guerrilla growers needed for advice


Active Member
Im starting a little late this year, need some advice on finding the right spot. Ive been out scouting to some reasonably remote spots but never anywhere that feels right. Any advice?

Would like some input on whether i should go with pots, or directly in the ground(what imleaning towards)

All help will be appreciated!!!
With pots you have a lot more control over what your plant gets all overall will be easier to do however black pots sure do stick out a lot if you are concerned about helicopters, etc....
the best things to look for in a spot for me personally is somewhere that is very unlikely for someone to stumble upon hiking, hunting, etc...
and a spot that gets A LOT of sunlight. Dont forget about the large amounts of water these ladies will need mid summer. Every few days at least in peak summer.
Good luck


Active Member
Yeah thanks, im not too worried about water because the area has plenty of streams that are off the grid. Sunlight not a problem either, im looking for some little ditch between some thick bushes even if its only a few feet squared. Just something you could walk by and not see.

Going to put pennies around my stems for the slugs, and possibly fishing line for the deer


Active Member
Just remember that the place you find in the beginning should be well off the beaten path, but within a few visitis to your plot there will become a beaten path right to it... Try to find a place that has multiple ways to get to it so you don't wear a path in to the ground leading curious eyes right to your prize.


New Member
Use different ways each time and a source of water nearby is a must. I grow in pots so that when there are raids near, I can be warned and I can move the plants. You can paint camouflage pots to blend in with their surroundings, or you can dig holes in the ground and stick to the pots in the holes. I also tape on shoes, so do not leave shoeprints. Go where no one will want to walk, even rippers.


Well-Known Member
ground will be better if your area allows for it, pots will need to be visited more often, and about your spot, if it dont feel right its not, keep on looking, and you should find an area you feel good about
I've read that the roots spread more wide than downward which is why Im leaning towards going into the ground also. 2x2x2 seems like it should be good. It's a lot of work but worth it I think. Also you'll need more soil but from what I've read I think it's for the best.


You can check in google earth for openings in deep forest area. Then with the help of google earth again & scouting, check if the area is visible from other streets,hills & other places that people can lurk around... You must know though you kinda late for this, cuz vegetation in forests is allready up & you won't have a very good idea how it'll looks in the winter so keep that in mind.


Active Member
Im kind of worried because right now i have Canna Coco organic growing medium, and i dont know if ill be able to get nutes to it enough, if i can only check on them every now and then. Will this be a big problem?


Well-Known Member
In the ground is always the best. But I can tell you if you are asking people for advice where to grow then your well on your way to failure. There are too many factors that go into site selection, so to ask someone that hasnt been there is not even advice worth taking. I have seen great places in every kind of place. The best place is where you try to grow and NO FINDS IT the first year. Trial and error is my only advice. And do not worry if its ment to be it will be and each year you will get better but it will not be easy. How good you do depends on you and how much good advice you get. Everyone with a plant thinks they know everything, get tips from someone with 25+ years of growing because only will they have enough experience to steer you in the right direction. One small piece of advice is your success depends largely on genetics for your area. If you have any more questions Id be glad to try and send you in the right direction